The One Thing || 那件事

Jun 25, 2022 | Waimai Voices

This article is a part of a series called “Spiritual Waimai Voices” where we welcome our friends to share some spiritual food with us in their own voice. This Spiritual Waimai was written and recorded by our friend Minneke. 



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But the Lord said to her, “My dear Martha, you are worried and upset over all these details! There is only one thing worth being concerned about. Mary has discovered it, and it will not be taken away from her.”


“Cold showers”, my husband said. “I saw this video, and apparently it’s really good for you! I’m going to start doing it twice a day”.


Sure enough, he did, convinced it was the new thing that would help solve some of his energy and sleep problems. I wasn’t so convinced! Instead, after watching a different video, I was convinced that I needed to start balancing my hormones by watching what I eat. Thyroid problems made me tired and so, being interested in natural medicine and old remedies, I started watching videos about what you should (and shouldn’t!) include in your diet, and when. Apparently carbs were the enemy, and so were a lot of other things I’d been eating! I bought a few of the recommended things like apple cider vinegar, and tried to cut out carbs. I felt excited and motivated! This was going to fix everything!


Then I decided that I also needed to read up on financial management, as I was starting a new job and also wanted to be better at teaching our kids about what to do with their pocket money. The guy in the book recommended sitting with your spouse together and discussing your finances over a meal of garlic bread and wine… “Oh no! Carbs! Doesn’t he know that eating both of those in the evening will cause inflammation, weight gain, and can lead to all sorts of health problems?” my brain blared… “how can I balance both finances and health when the finance guy is telling me to do what the doctor told me not to!”


…Ridiculous, right? But seriously… which came first? My brain seemed to be swirling in an anxious flurry. Suddenly, the carbs didn’t seem to matter… because now the priority was to get my kids’ financial management under control!


How many times have you watched a video and then said to yourself, “if only I could just start doing this one thing, I bet that would change everything”…


Anxiety over how to prioritise things in our life only seems to be worse in this digital age. Scrolling through digital media, we are constantly being told what is “the most important thing that you need to be doing right now”. Whether it’s changing your parenting, your health, your finances, the environment, your brain chemistry, growing your own food, community involvement, or your kids’ future in this crazy world… everything seems to have a Ted talk trying to tell us that “if you do nothing else, do this right…” How do we choose? What comes first? What IS the most important thing we need to do, when there seem to be so many choices and so little time and energy to pursue them all?


“As Jesus and the disciples continued on their way to Jerusalem, they came to a certain village where a woman named Martha welcomed him into her home. Her sister, Mary, sat at the Lord’s feet, listening to what he taught. But Martha was distracted by the big dinner she was preparing. She came to Jesus and said, “Lord, doesn’t it seem unfair to you that my sister just sits here while I do all the work? Tell her to come and help me.”
Luke 10:38-42


他们走路的时候,Ye Su进了一个村庄。有一个女人,名叫马大,接他到自己家里。 她有一个妹子,名叫马利亚,在Ye Su脚前坐著听他的道。 马大伺候的事多,心里忙乱,就进前来,说:「主啊,我的妹子留下我一个人伺候,你不在意吗?请吩咐她来帮助我。」 Ye Su回答说:「马大!马大!你为许多的事思虑烦扰, 但是不可少的只有一件;马利亚已经选择那上好的福分,是不能夺去的。」

But the Lord said to her, “My dear Martha, you are worried and upset over all these details! There is only one thing worth being concerned about. Mary has discovered it, and it will not be taken away from her.”
Martha was also anxious about priorities. At that moment, she believed it was meeting others’ needs… making sure everyone was fed, the meal was cleaned up, everyone was comfortable and had what they needed, especially this important and beloved teacher! And how dare her sister not also think that was the priority! Mary was just… sitting there, at Jesus’s feet?

但是主告诉她:“亲爱的马大呀,你为这么多琐事焦虑烦心!但只有一件事值得关注。玛利亚发现了这一点,没什么能从她夺去这一点。”马大也为优先次序感到焦虑。在那个时刻,她相信她要首先满足他人的需要—-确保每个人 都吃得好、饭菜收拾干净、每个人的需要都照顾到了、每个人都舒舒服服的,尤其是这位重要的、深受爱戴的夫子的需要!她的妹妹怎么敢不认为这是最重要的!可是玛利亚就是那么……坐在Ye Su脚前?

But Jesus told her what the “one thing” was, the one thing that she needed in that moment, in that space… the one thing that took priority over serving, meeting needs, and having everything in order, the thing her sister had found.

但是Ye Su告诉她“那件事”是什么,就是她妹妹已经发现,她在那一刻、那个地点需要的那件事。那件事比服侍、满足其他人的需要,比让一切井井有条都更为重要。

It was Him.

Is parenting important? Yes. Is health important? Yes. Is serving others important? Yes. Is work important? Yes. Is being prepared for a food shortage important? I would say, yes. But what always takes priority? Him. Sitting at His feet, listening to Him, spending time with Him. And then, in His wonderful way of being a loving Father that knows our needs, He makes all the other things fall into place as well.


“So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For the gentiles run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.”
Matthew 6:31-33


所以,不要忧虑说:吃什麽?喝什麽?穿什麽? 这都是外邦人所求的,你们需用的这一切东西,你们的天父是知道的。 你们要先求他的国和他的义,这些东西都要加给你们了。

