This Spiritual Waimai is a part of a series entitled Mission Accomplished: the mission of Jesus Christ as told by Matthew and now lived out by you and me.



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Are you close to the heart of Jesus?


There are but a few days left

Jesus is preparing His disciples for what is coming, and He is preparing Himself as well. His death is coming and in these final days, He is spending time with dear friends. He once again predicts His death. This will be the third time. The first two times He told them that they were going to Jerusalem. This time, they are already in Jerusalem and now they are just days away from His death and some of the people around Jesus are finally onboard with the predictions and are preparing for what is ahead. Namely the religious leaders who are starting to make their move to capture and kill Jesus, plus Judas who is looking to profit, and Mary who is pouring out her heart.


When Jesus had finished saying all these things, he said to his disciples, “As you know, the Passover is two days away—and the Son of Man will be handed over to be crucified.” Then the chief priests and the elders of the people assembled in the palace of the high priest, whose name was Caiaphas, and they schemed to arrest Jesus secretly and kill him. “But not during the festival,” they said, “or there may be a riot among the people.”
Matthew 26:1-5 NIV


马太福音 26:1-5

Time with those He loved

As the days drew closer and closer to His death, Jesus was not only warning His disciples, He was also spending time with the people He loved the most. This desire brought Him to a town near Jerusalem: Bethany to stay at the home of Jesus’ dear friends Lazarus, Mary and Martha. They gathered together at the home of Simon the Leper. During dinner, Mary came into the room and anointed Jesus. This may seem strange to us in our modern world, but what she did was not strange at all to Jesus. He called it a beautiful thing.


While Jesus was in Bethany in the home of Simon the Leper, a woman came to him with an alabaster jar of very expensive perfume, which she poured on his head as he was reclining at the table. When the disciples saw this, they were indignant. “Why this waste?” they asked. “This perfume could have been sold at a high price and the money given to the poor.” Aware of this, Jesus said to them, “Why are you bothering this woman? She has done a beautiful thing to me. The poor you will always have with you, but you will not always have me. When she poured this perfume on my body, she did it to prepare me for burial. Truly I tell you, wherever this gospel is preached throughout the world, what she has done will also be told, in memory of her.”
Matthew 26:6-13 NIV



We know this woman is Mary because John also tells the story in his gospel. He describes the scene with Lazarus reclining at the table with Jesus, Martha serving and Mary anointing Jesus with perfume. John also gives more detail into the response of the disciples and specifically quotes Judas as the one criticizing Mary and we learn a little more about Judas’ character and motives.


But one of his disciples, Judas Iscariot, who was later to betray him, objected, “Why wasn’t this perfume sold and the money given to the poor? It was worth a year’s wages.” He did not say this because he cared about the poor but because he was a thief; as keeper of the money bag, he used to help himself to what was put into it.
John 12:4-6 NIV


约翰福音 12:4-6

Criticism strikes again

This is not the first time Mary was criticized for her adoration of Jesus. Earlier her sister Martha’s irritation exploded with a call for Jesus to rebuke Mary for lazily sitting at His feet as Martha slaved away in the kitchen. Mary was being judged for not serving or giving enough. Martha thought Mary should serve in the kitchen. Judas thought Mary should give to the poor. But both of these criticisms came out selfishness or self-focus.


“You should do this! You should do that!” Criticism often comes from the people who are closest to us and may come out of a self-focused heart. Both Martha and Judas wanted something for themselves. Martha wanted help with cooking, Judas wanted the 300 denarii value of the perfume.


Both times Mary was criticized, she did not defend herself. She was silent. Jesus did not defend her either. He didn’t stand up and say, “Martha, don’t say that!” or “Judas, how rude!” Instead of cutting down Martha and Judas, Jesus simply validated Mary. He praised her. The first incident of criticism was as she sat at His feet, an eager disciple. He called Mary’s position, “what is better.” And now reclining at the table He said she had done “a beautiful thing.”

马利亚受到两次批评,她都没有为自己辩护。她静默不言。YeSu也没有为她辩护。衪并没有站起来说:“马大,别这么说!或”犹大,你太无礼了!” YeSu没有贬低马大和犹大,只是认可了马利亚。YeSu称赞了她。第一个批评是说她坐在YeSu的脚边,是个热忱的门徒。衪称马利亚的地位是“更好的”。现在衪靠着桌子说她做了一件”美事”。

Mary may have been misunderstood. It is also possible that others were jealous of her close relationship with Jesus. Whatever was the source of the criticism, Mary did not hold on to it and allow it to bother her. Rather, she kept her eyes on Jesus and He praised her.


Close to the heart of Jesus

The fruit of the close relationship between Jesus and Mary was that she was possibly one of the only people who really understood that Jesus was about to die. As the beautiful fragrance of the anointing oil filled the room, Jesus clearly announced Mary’s intention with this extravagant anointing. She had anointed His body for burial. Mary was close to the heart of Jesus and she sensed what was coming. As a result of her act, He said that she would be remembered around the world for this beautiful thing that she had done.


When you spend time at the feet of Jesus, your heart will become more closely connected to His. You will love what He loves, see what He sees, go where He goes and become more and more aware of His presence and intentions. You will be led to do extraordinary, extravagant, praiseworthy and beautiful things that will be remembered.


What made this act so beautiful? Mary had sacrificed a year’s wages for the perfume. But certainly, Jesus was not overly impressed by money. The gift she gave Him was so personal, so timely, so in synch with what He was going through. He was surrounded by the pressures of the plotting religious leaders and His own disciples’ oblivion to what was going on, not to mention Judas’ upcoming betrayal. But in the middle of it all there was someone who was close to Jesus’ heart. She understood these significant times. What He was going through and about to endure. And she anointed Him in a public display of adoration and submission. Surely the fragrance lingered for days, possibly all the way to the cross. She ministered to Jesus with sacrifice, submission, awareness of the times and deep love.


When you have a close friend, you know what they love, what they need. You are aware of their highs and lows, their important times and their sad moments. When you are a close friend you are the first to respond with a text, gift or conversation because you know your friend so well. How close are you to Jesus? Do you know what He loves and desires?

你若有一位密友,就会知道他们喜欢什么,需要什么。 你会知道他们的高峰和低谷,知道他们的重要时刻和悲伤时刻。 若你是他的密友,就会第一个回应他,给他发短信、送礼物或找他聊天,因为你非常了解你的朋友。 你离YeSu有多近? 你知道衪喜欢什么、渴望什么吗?

When have you done a beautiful thing for Jesus? So aware of His heart and purpose in the world around you that you sacrificed for Him with sincerity, submission, love and in a way that was in step with what He was doing? Maybe it is time to sit at His feet again to listen, to learn, to draw near to Him so you can know what is the beautiful thing that you can do for Jesus.

你什么时候为YeSu做过一件美事? 正因为你太明白衪的心意和衪对你周围世界的旨意,你才以真诚、顺服、爱和与衪所行一致的方式来摆上自己吗? 也许现在是时候坐在衪脚前倾听、学习和亲近衪了,这样就知道你能为YeSu做哪些美事。

Judas’ devious plan

In sharp contrast to Mary’s outpouring of self-less love, Judas prepares at this very moment to gratify his own greedy desires. He too is aware of the tension leading up to Jesus’ death and he is ready to get something out of it.


Then one of the Twelve—the one called Judas Iscariot—went to the chief priests and asked, “What are you willing to give me if I deliver him over to you?” So they counted out for him thirty pieces of silver. From then on Judas watched for an opportunity to hand him over.
Matthew 26:14-16 NIV


马太福音 26:14-16

As John wrote, this was not a one-time greedy moment for Judas. This was something that had grown in his heart. Judas had been embezzling money all along as the group treasurer. His love for money was left unchecked and it surpassed any love he might have in his heart for Jesus. A love of money drove him to do something that he would less than a week later deeply regret.


A giver and a taker

What a contrast we see between Mary and Judas. Mary had a heart to sacrificially give to Jesus. Judas desired to take for himself. In your relationship with Jesus, are you a giver or a taker? Do you have a heart to sit at His feet, receive from Him and then pour out your time, money, love, gifts just to bless Jesus? It is true, Jesus is the one who is the biggest giver in our relationship. He has given Himself and He has poured out every heavenly blessing for us. Let us also be generous to the greatest gift giver by surrendering our lives and love to Him.

我们看到了马利亚和犹大的鲜明对比。马利亚有一颗愿意献祭给YeSu的心。犹大却总想着据为己有。在你与YeSu的关系中,你是施者还是受者? 你是否愿意坐在衪的脚边,从衪那里领受,然后付出你的时间、金钱、爱和恩赐来祝福YeSu? 确实如此,YeSu就是我们关系中最大的施者。衪已经舍己,为我们赐下天上的一切祝福。让我们也将生命与爱降服于衪,慷慨以待这位最大的恩赐者。