This Spiritual Waimai is a part of a series entitled Mission Accomplished: the mission of Jesus Christ as told by Matthew and now lived out by you and me.



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If Jesus asked you, “What do you want?” what would you say?

如果Ye Su问你:“你要什么?”,你会怎么回答?

Jesus was on His way out of Jericho. This was His last stop before He hit Jerusalem to face the cross. He was determined. He had already told the disciples clearly and on more than one occasion what was waiting for Him upon arrival in Jerusalem. His impending suffering and death were on His mind. Even though He was focused and undeterred in His mission to offer His life as a sacrifice, the cries of two desperate and annoying blind men stopped Jesus in His tracks.

Ye Su在离开耶利哥城的路上。这是祂去耶路撒冷面对十字架之前的最后一站。祂态度坚决。祂已经不止一次清楚地告诉门徒到耶路撒冷后将有什么在等待着祂。祂心里想着即将来到的受苦和死亡。祂专心致志、不屈不挠地开展自己的使命,要将自己的生命献上为祭,然而两个绝望的、令人厌烦的瞎子的呼求却使祂在路上停了下来。

As Jesus and his disciples were leaving Jericho, a large crowd followed him. Two blind men were sitting by the roadside, and when they heard that Jesus was going by, they shouted, “Lord, Son of David, have mercy on us!” The crowd rebuked them and told them to be quiet, but they shouted all the louder, “Lord, Son of David, have mercy on us!” Jesus stopped and called them. “What do you want me to do for you?” he asked. “Lord,” they answered, “we want our sight.” Jesus had compassion on them and touched their eyes. Immediately they received their sight and followed him.
Matthew 20:29-34 NIV


他们出耶利哥的时候,有极多的人跟随他。有两个瞎子坐在路旁,听说是Ye Su经过,就喊着说:“主啊,大卫的子孙,可怜我们吧!”众人责备他们,不许他们作声。他们却越发喊着说:“主啊,大卫的子孙,可怜我们吧!”Ye Su就站住,叫他们来,说:“要我为你们作什么?”他们说:“主啊,要我们的眼睛能看见。”Ye Su就动了慈心,把他们的眼睛一摸,他们立刻看见,就跟从了Ye Su。

Irritation rebukes

The crowd was irritated and thought the shouting was uncivilized or rude. And these were followers of Jesus! Jesus was anything but irritated by these two. I wonder if Jesus didn’t hear them the first time they called out or if He was waiting to see the crowd’s reaction. Or maybe He was curious to see how determined the blind men would be.

众人颇不耐烦,觉得这么叫喊有失礼节或者很粗鲁。他们居然是Ye Su的门徒!Ye Su却丝毫没对这两个瞎子不耐烦。我猜想他们第一次呼求时,Ye Su是不是没听到。或者祂想看看众人的反应。又或者祂就是好奇,想看看这两个瞎子到底有多大的决心。

Strangely, the barriers between the blind men and Jesus actually were the followers of Jesus. These followers had not yet learned to live in the compassion of Jesus. The crowd was heading to Jerusalem for the annual Passover feast. They were obeying God’s command in the Old Testament to observe this holy time of remembrance in Jerusalem. Though they were devoted to the Lord in their religious service by going to Jerusalem and devoted to the teachings of Jesus by becoming His followers, they did not yet have the compassion their leader Jesus had. Maybe they were not interested in anything that would disturb their agenda or maybe they were annoyed with anyone who would shout out like this in an uncivilized manner.

让人诧异的是,瞎子和Ye Su之间的障碍居然是祂的门徒。门徒们还没学会活在Ye Su的爱中。众人是去耶路撒冷参加一年一度的逾越节。他们遵守旧约里Shen的命令,在耶路撒冷纪念这个神圣的时节。他们献身给主,去耶路撒冷履行Zong Jiao责任;他们追随Ye Su,忠于祂的教导。然而他们没有他们的领袖Ye Su的爱心。 也许是对干扰他们日程的任何事情都不感兴趣,也许是有人这样不礼貌的喊叫让他们心生厌烦。

Desperation persists

But these two men were not deterred by the crowd’s rebuke. In fact, it caused them to shout out louder. Whether they knew it or not, they only had one moment to catch Jesus. If they waited, their chance would be gone. He would have passed by, never to return again to Jericho before His death.

然而众人的斥责并没让这两个瞎子气馁。实际上,这让他们嚷嚷得更加厉害。无论知道与否,他们只有这个时刻可以抓住Ye Su。如果他们等待,机会就会溜走,Ye Su就会经过耶利哥,在受死之前再也不会回来。

These men might have been blind, but they knew exactly who Jesus was. They heard Him coming and were ignited with an overwhelming urgency to call to Him. And the name they used proved that they understood He was the long-awaited Messiah. For they shouted out His name: Son of David. This a title proclaiming Him as king in the line of King David. They understood an old prophecy that the king would come from David to save them. They called His name “Son of David” two times and in addition to that called Him “Lord” three times.

这两人是瞎子,但他们清楚知道Ye Su是谁。他们听说Ye Su要来,就不顾一切地向祂呼求。他们呼喊的名字证明他们知道Ye Su是等待已久的弥赛亚。他们喊出祂的名字:“大卫的子孙。”这个称谓宣称Ye Su是大卫族系的王。他们了解这个古老的预言—将有一个王从大卫而出来拯救他们。除了三次称祂为“主”,他们还两次称呼祂是“大卫的子孙”。

The request they make of the Son of David is for Him to show mercy to them. Mercy is a kindness and love that overlooks an offense. Mercy treats someone better than they deserve. Mercy is only ever extended to those who are offenders, people who do not deserve it. These blind men knew they did not deserve the love and kindness of Jesus. Therefore they asked for His mercy in their lives.

他们请求这位大卫的子孙怜恤他们。怜恤是恩慈和爱,不计较人的冒犯。虽然对方不配,却依然仁慈相待。怜恤只能施予那些冒犯我们、不配的人。这两个瞎子知道自己本不配Ye Su的爱和恩慈,所以他们祈求祂的怜恤。

Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.
Hebrews 4:16 NIV



Compassion responds

Jesus was moved by compassion. His response to them was a question so simple yet profound, “What do you want me to do for you?” It was almost a ridiculous question. Jesus was famous for healing blind people. It was obvious these guys were blind. They asked for mercy already – why did He ask them this question?

Ye Su动了慈心。祂做出回应,问了一个简单却又深奥的问题:“要我为你们做什么?”这个问题几乎有些荒谬。Ye Su因为可以使瞎子看见而声名远播。这两个人显然是瞎子。他们也已经祈求怜悯了,Ye Su为什么还要这么问呢?

When the blind men called out to Jesus, they were acknowledging Him as king and Messiah. They clearly called for mercy placing themselves in a lowly and humble state before Him. They were desperate, and they were not deterred by the rebuke of those around them. Their humility, desperation, faith and persistence brought forth the question from Jesus, “What do you want me to do for you?” When you are in great need, learn from these blind men. Call out to Jesus with humility, desperation, determination and faith. And present your request to Him. He has compassion for you as well.

瞎子向Ye Su呼求,承认祂是王和弥赛亚。他们降卑在Ye Su面前,清清楚楚地祈求祂的怜悯。他们彻底绝望,没有因众人的斥责而止步不前。他们的谦卑、绝望、信心和坚持赢得了Ye Su的提问:“要我为你们做什么?”在你有极大困苦时,向这几个瞎子学习。绝望、谦卑、坚定并满怀信心地向Ye Su呼求。把自己的需求带到祂面前。祂也会向你动慈心。

Jesus heals, the blind become followers
Ye Su医治了瞎子,他们就跟随Ye Su

When the blind men specifically asked for sight, Jesus did what only Jesus can do. He touched them. They were healed and transformed from two blind men to two followers of Jesus Christ. Their response was to leave their old life of blindness in Jericho behind and follow Jesus.

瞎子祈求能看见,Ye Su便做了只有祂自己能做的事情。祂触摸他们,于是,这两个瞎子得着医治和更新而成为Ye Su的门徒。他们做出回应,离弃耶利哥城中瞎眼的生活来跟随Ye Su。

I can only imagine that they were a part of that joyful crowd cheering for Jesus as He entered Jerusalem on a donkey. Were they also there when He was crucified? Did they witness the resurrection? We do not know the rest of their story. But we do know the moment that everything changed. The day Jesus was just passing by. They didn’t miss their chance but called out with all of their might and Jesus was moved with compassion and their lives were never the same.

我只能想象,在Ye Su骑着驴驹进入耶路撒冷时,这两个瞎子也在欢呼的人群中。Ye Su被钉十字架时他们也在场吗?他们见证了复活吗?接下来的故事我们不得而知。但是我们确实知道发生巨变的那一刻。Ye Su那天只是路过,然而他们没有错失机会,而是倾尽全力呼求Ye Su。Ye Su动了慈心,于是他们的生活从此不再一样。