This Spiritual Waimai is a part of a series entitled Mission Accomplished: the mission of Jesus Christ as told by Matthew and now lived out by you and me.



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Do you tend to dwell on good news or bad news?


If I had to tell you a mix of good news and bad news and asked you, “What do you want to hear first, the good news or the bad news?” What would you say?


Jesus had some bad news and good news to share with the disciples, but actually in the end it was all good news. But at the time, the disciples didn’t get it. They got stuck thinking about the bad news and couldn’t understand the good news. How would that affect your life if you only received and believed bad news, but never good news? What kind of person would you be?

Ye Su有坏消息和好消息要和门徒们分享,但事实上最终都是好消息。不过门徒当时不明白,他们尽想着坏消息,就不明白好消息的意义。如果你只是接受并相信坏消息,而不是好消息,这会怎样影响你的生活?你会成为什么样的人?

Jesus’ prediction #1
Ye Su的预言一

Earlier in Matthew 16 Jesus made his first prediction of His upcoming death. Peter’s response wasn’t so great. He rebuked Jesus and said, “NO WAY! That will never happen to you.”

在马太福音16章前面部分,Ye Su第一次预言祂即将来到的死亡,彼得的回应差强人意,他责备Ye Su说:“不可以!这事永不可临到你身上。”

Peter took him aside and began to rebuke him. “Never, Lord!” he said. “This shall never happen to you!” Jesus turned and said to Peter, “Get behind me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to me; you do not have in mind the concerns of God, but merely human concerns.”
Matthew 16:22-23 NIV


彼得就拉着他,劝他说:“主啊,万不可如此!这事必不临到你身上。” Ye Su转过来,对彼得说:“撒但,退我后边去吧!你是绊我脚的,因为你不体贴 Shen 的意思,只体贴人的意思。”
马太福音 16:22-23

From this time on, Jesus headed towards Jerusalem and wanted His disciples to have understanding of what was going to happen to Him.

从那时起,Ye Su就向耶路撒冷走去,并且希望门徒们能明白将要临到祂身上的事。

Jesus’ prediction #2
Ye Su的预言二

After traveling from Caesarea Philippi , Jesus and the disciples came to their headquarters in the Galilee. Jesus gathered them together to explain again that He was going to die. How did they react this time?

Ye Su和门徒们离开凯撒利亚腓立比,来到加利利,祂召集门徒们向他们再一次解释祂即将受死,这一次他们如何回应?

When they came together in Galilee, he said to them, “The Son of Man is going to be delivered into the hands of men. They will kill him, and on the third day he will be raised to life.” And the disciples were filled with grief.
Matthew 17:22-23 NIV


他们还住在加利利的时候,Ye Su对门徒说:“人子将要被交在人手里。他们要杀害他,第三日他要复活。”门徒就大大地忧愁。
马太福音 17:22-23

Why were they filled with grief? This time, Peter did not try to rebuke or stop Jesus. The disciples must have begun to accept that what He was saying was true. Something bad was coming.

为何他们大大忧愁?这次,彼得没有试图责备或是阻止Ye Su。门徒们必须开始接受祂所说的是真的。不幸的事情将要发生。

Jesus had told them three important things about what was coming:

Ye Su告诉他们将要发生的三件重要事情:

1.He will be delivered into the hands of men.
2.They will kill Him.
3.On the third day He will be raised to life.

1. 祂将要被交在人手里。
2. 他们要杀害祂。
3. 第三日祂要复活。

Did they miss the third point? They heard all of the bad news but didn’t hear the good news. They stopped listening or understanding after He said that He was going to suffer and die, and the final point totally escaped them: He will be raised to life!


In your faith journey, don’t miss the last point – Jesus has victoriously risen from the dead and if you are in Christ, you also participate in His resurrection.

在你的信心旅途中,不要漏掉最后一点 –Ye Su已从死里荣耀复活,如果你在Ji Du 里,你也与祂的复活有份。

The bad news

We can get stuck thinking about the bad news. Our sin, our broken relationships, the lost opportunities because of our selfishness or foolishness. It is true, our sin is really bad news. It was our sin that resulted in Jesus suffering and dying. Our sin is bad news. It brings separation between us and God, it hurts relationships with others and hurts ourselves. We cannot ignore the fact of this very bad news. But we cannot stay stuck in this bad news.

我们可以一味思想坏消息,罪、破裂的关系、因自私和愚昧而失去的机会。诚然,罪的确是非常糟糕的消息,是我们的罪导致Ye Su受苦以至于死。罪是坏消息,它使我们和Shen 分离,破坏我们和他人的关系也让我们自己受伤。我们不能忽视这个坏消息的事实,但是我们不能受困于这个坏消息。

But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed.
Isaiah 53:5 NIV


以赛亚书 53:5

The good news

The good news is that Jesus rose from the dead! Jesus endured suffering and death because He looked ahead to the good news of His resurrection and saving us all from our sins, conquering death, sin, and the devil. Now He offers to you and me the gift of forgiveness. At the end of Isaiah 53:5 it says that we will receive peace and will be healed! We can be washed clean of our sin and made new in Christ. We can be filled with His Holy Spirit and join Him in His work in the world. What amazingly good news!

好消息是Ye Su从死里复活了!Ye Su忍受苦难和死亡因为祂想望好消息:祂的复活,救我们脱离罪,并且战胜死亡、罪、和魔鬼。现在祂赐给你我赦罪的礼物。在以赛亚书53章第五节后面说到我们将要得平安得医治!我们的罪被洗净,在Ji Du 里成为新造,被圣灵充满,可以加入祂在世界上的工作。这是多么奇妙的好消息啊!

Don’t get stuck in the bad news

Have you ever felt that you were stuck in sin? That no matter what you tried you couldn’t change yourself? You can’t. But we have a Savior Jesus who can. If you feel you are stuck in the bad news and are ready to receive the good news, pour your heart out to God. Confess your sin, repent and receive the amazing mercy and grace of Jesus. Get serious about sin, don’t let it rule your life. Confess to God when you sin and repent – turn away from those sins and don’t go back. If there is sin that is especially hard to break away from, talk to a trusted Christian friend about it. Ask them to pray for you and check in with you on how you are doing.

你是否曾觉得你被罪困住?不论你如何努力都无法改变自己?你是不能,但是我们有一位救主Ye Su,祂可以改变你。如果你觉得被困在坏消息中,但愿意接受好消息,那么向shen倾心吐意,承认自己的罪,悔改,接受Ye Su奇妙的怜悯和恩典。重视罪,不要让它支配你的生活,犯罪时,向Shen 认罪并且悔改 – 从罪中回转,不要再回头。如果有一样罪是你很难去摆脱的,和信任的Ji Du 徒朋友聊一聊,请他们为你祷告,并且关注你的情况。

Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Do not cast me from your presence or take your Holy Spirit from me. Restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me.
Psalms 51:10-12 NIV


Shen 啊,求你为我造清洁的心,使我里面重新有正直的灵(“正直”或作“坚定”)。不要丢弃我,使我离开你的面;不要从我收回你的圣灵。求你使我仍得救恩之乐,赐我乐意的灵扶持我。
诗篇 51:10-12

When you confess and repent, by faith believe that you have been forgiven by Jesus and move forward with Him. Move out of the bad news and into the good news of forgiveness and salvation through Jesus.

当你认罪并且悔改时,凭着信心相信你已经被Ye Su赦免,然后与祂一起向前。从坏消息中走出来,进入藉着Ye Su得赦免和救赎的好消息。