The Genesis Notes


From the very beginning God makes it clear; He has a plan and a purpose for humankind. We are no accident; we are no aimless people. We have work to do, because of His love for us, we have been commissioned by God to join Him in his awesome work! Are you ready? Let’s go for it with Him as we learn about where we came from, where we are going and how to get there. Let’s start at the absolute beginning of it all: Genesis!
从起初,神就清楚地表明:他对人类有一个计划和一个目的。 我们并非偶然的存在,也不是漫无目标的人。 我们有工要做,因为神对我们的爱,我们已被神拣选,参与到他那伟大的工作当中!你准备好了吗? 当我们知道我们从哪里来,要到哪里去,以及怎样到达那里的时候,让我们与神同行。从万事的最起初开始: 创世纪!

Parts 1-4

Part One: The Firsts 
第一篇: 开篇

Part Two: The Life of Abraham and Sarah 

Part Three: The Lives of Isaac and Jacob

Part Four: The Life of Joseph

Perfect for individual or small group bible study

Study the raw stories and ancient insight of Genesis in light of the loving grace and merciful forgiveness of the New Testament to discover much needed direction and life-giving hope for your awesome life.


Part Four

  1. Purify Yourself || 洁净自己
  2. Getting Positioned by God || 被 神定位
  3. An Uncomfortable Story || 一个让人不适的故事
  4. The Key to Success || 成功的关键
  5. Joseph and Jesus || 约瑟和耶稣
  6. The Big Moment || 重大时刻
  7. Famine and Fear || 饥荒和恐惧
  8. Back to Egypt || 回到埃及
  9. Mercy or Judgment? || 怜悯还是论断?
  10. The Big Reveal: MERCY || 大揭晓:怜悯
  11. God’s Big Plan || 神的大计划
  12. God’s Plans, God’s Promises, Our Work || 神的计划, 神的应许,我们的工作
  13. Future Generations || 后代
  14. The Past and the Future || 过去和未来
  15. Finally! Forgiveness and a Future Hope || 最后!饶恕和未来的希望

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