Mission Accomplished
World-Changers || 改变世界的人

World-Changers || 改变世界的人

This Spiritual Waimai is a part of a series entitled Mission Accomplished: the mission of Jesus Christ as told by Matthew and now lived out by you and me. 这篇属灵外卖是“完成的使命”系列文章之一,这个由马太福音所述耶稣基督的使命,现在要由你我活出来。中文和英文版本语音 Listen to the Chinese or English Audio  Will you...

The Best Is Yet To Come  || 一切美好将至

The Best Is Yet To Come  || 一切美好将至

This Spiritual Waimai is a part of a series entitled Mission Accomplished: the mission of Jesus Christ as told by Matthew and now lived out by you and me. 这篇属灵外卖是“完成的使命”系列文章之一,这个由马太福音所述耶稣基督的使命,现在要由你我活出来。中文和英文版本语音 Listen to the Chinese or English Audio  What does...

Weakness Transformed to Strength || 软弱变刚强

Weakness Transformed to Strength || 软弱变刚强

This Spiritual Waimai is a part of a series entitled Mission Accomplished: the mission of Jesus Christ as told by Matthew and now lived out by you and me. 这篇属灵外卖是“完成的使命”系列文章之一,这个由马太福音所述耶稣基督的使命,现在要由你我活出来。中文和英文版本语音 Listen to the Chinese or English Audio Who is...

The Robe, The Rod, The Crown || 王袍、权杖和冠冕

The Robe, The Rod, The Crown || 王袍、权杖和冠冕

As true followers of King Jesus, we honor Him and bow before Him with reverence. We know He wears a robe bearing His name. He is crowned with glory and honor and on His head rests many crowns. He will rule with an iron scepter in His hand. The Lord God Himself makes a pronouncement that His kingship shall have no end.

Hope in Bitter Times  || 苦难中的盼望

Hope in Bitter Times  || 苦难中的盼望

This Spiritual Waimai is a part of a series entitled Mission Accomplished: the mission of Jesus Christ as told by Matthew and now lived out by you and me. 这篇属灵外卖是“完成的使命”系列文章之一,这个由马太福音所述耶稣基督的使命,现在要由你我活出来。中文和英文版本语音 Listen to the Chinese or English Audio  There is...

A beautiful thing ||  一件美事

A beautiful thing ||  一件美事

This Spiritual Waimai is a part of a series entitled Mission Accomplished: the mission of Jesus Christ as told by Matthew and now lived out by you and me. 这篇属灵外卖是“完成的使命”系列文章之一,这个由马太福音所述耶稣基督的使命,现在要由你我活出来。中文和英文版本语音 Listen to the Chinese or English Audio  Are you...

Relationship around the table || 餐桌旁的关系

Relationship around the table || 餐桌旁的关系

This Spiritual Waimai is a part of a series entitled Mission Accomplished: the mission of Jesus Christ as told by Matthew and now lived out by you and me. 这篇属灵外卖是“完成的使命”系列文章之一,这个由马太福音所述耶稣基督的使命,现在要由你我活出来。中文和英文版本语音 Listen to the Chinese or English Audio  How...

Virgins, servants and sheep || 童女、仆人和绵羊

Virgins, servants and sheep || 童女、仆人和绵羊

This Spiritual Waimai is a part of a series entitled Mission Accomplished: the mission of Jesus Christ as told by Matthew and now lived out by you and me. 这篇属灵外卖是“完成的使命”系列文章之一,这个由马太福音所述Ye Su Ji Du的使命,现在要由你我活出来。中文和英文版本语音 Listen to the Chinese or English Audio  Are...

Signs, warnings, instructions || 预兆、警告和指示

Signs, warnings, instructions || 预兆、警告和指示

What are the signs of Jesus’ soon return?
What are the warnings for us all?
What are the instructions He has given ?
Am I aware of the signs, alert to the warnings and obedient to the instructions?


Hypocrites and the Humble || 伪君子与谦卑者

Hypocrites and the Humble || 伪君子与谦卑者

This Spiritual Waimai is a part of a series entitled Mission Accomplished: the mission of Jesus Christ as told by Matthew and now lived out by you and me.


A Royal Wedding Invitation  || 王室婚礼之邀

A Royal Wedding Invitation  || 王室婚礼之邀

Let us prepare our clothes for the upcoming wedding feast. Today we can begin to properly clothe ourselves not with clothes as seen on the covers of fashion magazines, but with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, patience, forgiveness and love.

Navigating controversy || 引导辩论

Navigating controversy || 引导辩论

Jesus Christ was days away from His crucifixion where He would fulfill His destiny to become the Passover lamb who takes away the sin of the world. As the Pharisees tested and observed Him, they could find no blemish, no defect in Him.
Ye Su Ji Du几天后就要被钉十字架,衪要完成衪的使命,成为那只逾越节的羔羊,带走这个世界的罪。法利赛人试探衪观察衪,就会发现衪无可指摘、毫无瑕疵。

Still looking for fruit || 依旧寻找果子

Still looking for fruit || 依旧寻找果子

If Jesus came walking up to you one morning looking for some lovely fruit, what would He find?
如果Ye Su在一个早晨向你走来,想要找一些可爱的果子,祂能找到吗?

The sweetest fig || 最甘美的无花果

The sweetest fig || 最甘美的无花果

A life with no spiritual fruit is like the fruitless fig tree that was just taking up space in the garden and was about to be chopped down.

Reactions to the King || 面对君王的不同反应

Reactions to the King || 面对君王的不同反应

Does your life proclaim His kingship and your need for Him? When people see you, do they wonder about Jesus and have a desire to know more?
你的生活宣告了祂的主权和你对祂的需要吗?当人们看到你时,他们会对Ye Su好奇吗?他们会想要了解更多吗?

Go low to go high|| 升高先降卑

Go low to go high|| 升高先降卑

o be great in God’s Kingdom, we must become servants and slaves. Ready to execute the commands of our Master Jesus and give ourselves up to His will. In this low position, we will be raised up to serve at His side in His greatness.
要成为Shen国里的伟人,我们必须成为用人和仆人。准备好执行我们主Ye Su的命令,放弃我们自己的意愿只体贴衪的旨意。在这卑位上,我们必被高举,在祂的大能中服侍在衪左右。

All in a day’s work || 大家都在一天的工作中

All in a day’s work || 大家都在一天的工作中

There is a place for you in God’s Kingdom. God is calling you and through Jesus, you can enter. Have you answered God’s call to join in? Don’t wait until it is too late. God welcomes you now! You belong here.. Receive His invitation and let’s get to work!

你在Shen国里有一席之地。Shen在呼召你,因着Ye Su,你可以进去。你回应了Shen要你进入的呼召了吗?不要等到来不及的时候。Shen现在就欢迎你!你属于这里。。。接受祂的邀请,开始做工吧!

Forgive from your heart || 真心饶恕

Forgive from your heart || 真心饶恕

Some offenses easy to forgive. Your friend cancels a lunch date at the last minute. Your roommate breaks your favorite mug. Your brother eats the last snack you were looking forward to enjoying after work. But what about the harder things?

有些过错容易原谅。比如说,你朋友在最后一刻取消了午餐约会,你的室友打碎了你最喜欢的杯子,你弟弟吃了你下班后想要吃的最后一份点心. 但是那些更难的事情呢?

Will you follow wherever He goes?  || 你会跟从他的脚踪吗?

Will you follow wherever He goes?  || 你会跟从他的脚踪吗?

Are you following Jesus? Willing to keep walking even if you do not know the destination or the timeline? Are you asking Him to heal your body, your mind and your spirit? Don’t let this important moment pass by. Stay close to Jesus.


The impossible becomes possible|| 不能变成可能

The impossible becomes possible|| 不能变成可能

Do you know what will happen to you after this life on earth? Everyone would like a happy ending, but how do we get there?

Lessons from a child || 向小孩子学习的功课

Lessons from a child || 向小孩子学习的功课

In the Kingdom of Heaven, greatness does not belong to the person who has won the most souls for Christ, led the most Bible studies, served in the most ministries or led the biggest church congregation. Greatness belongs to the one who is willing to assume a low position.


Bad news and good news || 坏消息与好消息

Bad news and good news || 坏消息与好消息

If I had to tell you a mix of good news and bad news and asked you, “What do you want to hear first, the good news or the bad news?” What would you say?


The temple, a tax, a king and a fish  || 丁税、君王和鱼

The temple, a tax, a king and a fish  || 丁税、君王和鱼

Our generous King Jesus not only provided the money for a temple tax that He did not owe, He also gave His life to pay the price of sin that He did not owe. He did it on behalf of you and me. What an incredible King we have.

我们慷慨的君王Ye Su不仅提供了衪本无需缴纳的丁税,还为我们舍命,为罪付上衪本不欠的债。衪这么做完全是为了你和我。我们有一位多么奇妙的4君王啊!

Faith and Freedom  || 信心和自由

Faith and Freedom  || 信心和自由

Jesus said that it came down to faith. He has all power and authority to transform our lives. Let us believe that He can do it in us and that He can use us to bring healing to the world. Ye Su说归根到底是信心的问题。他有全备的能力和权威转变我们的生命。让我们相信他能在我们里面做到,并且通过我们给这个世界带来治愈的力量。

The Road to the Cross || 十字架之路

The Road to the Cross || 十字架之路

Denying yourself is hard. Taking up your cross is painful. But following Jesus is a joy! The thing is, the new life that we have in Christ is far superior to the old life that we had on our own. But we cannot live a double life. You have to choose one.

