This Spiritual Waimai is a part of a series entitled Mission Accomplished: the mission of Jesus Christ as told by Matthew and now lived out by you and me.



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Is there anyone that you just can’t forgive?



How hard is it to forgive others?



Some offenses are easy to forgive. Your friend cancels a lunch date at the last minute. Your roommate breaks your favorite mug. Your brother eats the last snack you were looking forward to enjoying after work.




But what about the harder things? Your father criticizes you in front of the whole family. Your boss doesn’t give you a raise you were expecting. Your mother never expresses any love to you. Your girlfriend unexpectedly leaves you. Your business partner steals your money. Your pastor talks negatively about you behind your back.


但是那些更难的事情呢?比如,你父亲当着全家人的面批评你,你的老板并没有给你期望的加薪,你的母亲从来没有向你表达过爱,你的女朋友意外地离开了你,你的生意伙伴窃取你的钱财,你的Mu Shi在背后讲你坏话。


Have you ever thought in your heart, “I just cannot forgive that person.”?




You might have a really good reason not to forgive. You might be completely right and they totally wrong. But what is the result of unforgiveness? Unforgiveness breaks relationships and the person who suffers the most is you. Unforgiveness is like a poison that you want the other person to drink, but in the end, you drink yourself.




Unforgiveness blocks your spiritual, emotional and even physical growth. But how can you forgive someone who has hurt you so deeply or taken from you harming you financially, professionally, spiritually or relationally? This can seem like an impossible thing to do – to forgive. But Jesus tells us that it is not only possible, but He commands us to do it, and we must do it. How can we do it? By shifting our focus off of the person who offended us and to our Lord who forgave us when we offended Him.


不饶恕会阻碍你Ling Ming上、情感上甚至是身体上的成长。但是如何饶恕一个在财务上、职业上、Ling Ming上或感情上深深伤害过你的人呢?饶恕似乎是一件不可能做到的事情。但是Ye Su告诉我们这不仅是可能的,而且他命令我们饶恕,我们也必须要饶恕。我们怎么做呢?那就是把我们的注意力从冒犯我们的人身上,转移到被我们冒犯且饶恕了我们的Shen身上。


In Matthew 18, Jesus gives explicit instructions on how to approach a brother or sister in Christ who has sinned. He gives a step-by-step guide to privately and directly confront the person with their sin. If that does not work, two people should talk to them. If that still doesn’t work, the church leaders should get involved. In this process, the goal is never to publicly punish, shame or reject the person who has sinned. The goal is to restore the person through repentance and forgiveness.


在马太Fu Yin18章里,Ye Su明确教导了如何对待有过错的Zhu内弟兄或姊妹。他给出了一个循序渐进的指导,首先是私下直接指出他们的过错。如果那样不奏效,可以由两个人跟他们交谈。如果那样仍然不奏效,Jiao Hui的Zhang Lao应当介入。在这个过程中,目的绝不是公开惩罚、羞辱或排斥那位犯错的人。目的是通过悔改和饶恕来重建那个人。


After hearing all of these steps, the disciple Peter must have been thinking about how hard this process of forgiveness and restoration is. It not only takes a lot of time, but it takes a lot of heart. He wondered how often he was going to have to do this. He was specifically thinking about people who had sinned against him personally. So he plainly asked Jesus.


在听完所有这些步骤后,Men Tu彼得肯定在想这个饶恕和重建的过程有多艰难。这不仅需要花费大量时间,也需要倾注很多心力。他在想 他必须这样做多少次。他特别想到的是那些得罪他的人。所以他很直白地问Ye Su。


Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, “Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother or sister who sins against me? Up to seven times?” Jesus answered, “I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times.”

Matthew 18:21-22 NIV


那时, 彼得 进前来,对Ye Su说:“Zhu啊,我弟兄得罪我,我当饶恕他几次呢?到七次够吗?” Ye Su说:“我告诉你,不是到七次,而是到七十个七次。

马太Fu Yin 18:21-22 RCUVSS


Jesus did not mean 77 times or even 70 times 7 times. His answer meant: “You cannot count the number of times you must forgive. Always forgive.” Then Jesus went on to tell a story that revealed the heart of humans as well as the heart of God.


Ye Su并不是指77次或者甚至是70个7次。他的回答意思是:“你不能去计算你要饶恕多少次,而要总是饶恕。” Ye Su接着讲了一个故事,这个故事显露了人的心和Shen的心。


“Therefore, the kingdom of heaven is like a king who wanted to settle accounts with his servants. As he began the settlement, a man who owed him ten thousand bags of gold was brought to him. Since he was not able to pay, the master ordered that he and his wife and his children and all that he had be sold to repay the debt. “At this the servant fell on his knees before him. ‘Be patient with me,’ he begged, ‘and I will pay back everything.’ The servant’s master took pity on him, canceled the debt and let him go. “But when that servant went out, he found one of his fellow servants who owed him a hundred silver coins. He grabbed him and began to choke him. ‘Pay back what you owe me!’ he demanded. “His fellow servant fell to his knees and begged him, ‘Be patient with me, and I will pay it back.’ “But he refused. Instead, he went off and had the man thrown into prison until he could pay the debt. When the other servants saw what had happened, they were outraged and went and told their master everything that had happened. “Then the master called the servant in. ‘You wicked servant,’ he said, ‘I canceled all that debt of yours because you begged me to. Shouldn’t you have had mercy on your fellow servant just as I had on you?’ In anger his master handed him over to the jailers to be tortured, until he should pay back all he owed. This is how my heavenly Father will treat each of you unless you forgive your brother or sister from your heart.”

Matthew 18:23-35 NIV


因为Tian Guo好像一个王要和他仆人算账。 他开始算的时候,有人带了一个欠一万他连得的仆人来。 因为他没有什么偿还之物,主人下令把他和他妻子儿女,以及一切所有的都卖了来偿还。 那仆人就俯伏向他叩头,说:‘宽容我吧,我都会还你的。’ 那仆人的主人就动了慈心,把他释放了,并且免了他的债。 那仆人出来,遇见一个欠他一百个银币的同伴,就揪着他,扼住他的喉咙,说:‘把你所欠的还我!’ 他的同伴就俯伏央求他,说:‘宽容我吧,我会还你的。’ 他不肯,却把他下在监里,直到他还了所欠的债。 同伴们看见他所做的事就很悲愤,把这一切的事都告诉了主人。 于是主人叫了他来,对他说:‘你这恶奴才!你央求我,我就把你所欠的都免了; 你不应该怜悯你的同伴,像我怜悯你吗?’ 主人就大怒,把他交给司刑的,直到他还清了所欠的债。 你们各人若不从心里饶恕你的弟兄,我Tian Fu也要这样待你们。”

马太Fu Yin 18:23-35


Servant #1 owed the king the equivalent to millions of dollars. This was a debt that was so incredibly huge, even selling the servant, his whole family and all he had could not possibly cover the debt. Notice that the king was not going to punish the servant with jail time or death – the king just wanted the debt paid off. And the only way to pay the debt was for the servant and his family to be sold as slaves.




On his knees, the servant begged the king and was shown mercy. Amazingly, the king erased the entire debt. What a relief! What a weight lifted! What a gift of kindness given to this servant that he certainly did not deserve.




A violent demand



Oddly, when that forgiven servant left the presence of that merciful king, his first action was to find his fellow servant who owed him just a few dollars – and he violently demanded the return of the small amount of cash. Servant #2 also begged on his knees, but Servant #1 would have no pity, no mercy, no kindness towards his fellow servant and he threw the man in prison.




A shocked and enraged king



Onlookers were shocked. They went directly to the king to report this violent and harsh behavior. They didn’t dare approach the servant himself, they only spoke to the king about the unfortunate matters. The king was outraged by his servant’s actions. He declared the man wicked and recalled the massive cancellation of debt the king had granted him. He was shocked that the servant would not in turn show mercy to other servants – the king expected that his own example of mercy would be passed on to others. But obviously it wasn’t. In his anger, the king threw the servant in prison where he was tortured until he could pay back all he owed.




At the end of the story, Jesus dropped a stunning truth that cuts to our hearts: If we do not forgive our brothers and sisters in Christ from our hearts, this is how our Heavenly Father will treat us as well.


在故事的最后,Ye Su说出了一个令人震惊且扎心的真相:如果我们不从心里饶恕我们在Ji Du里的弟兄姊妹,我们的Tian Fu也会如此待我们。


The debt



The central conflict in Jesus’ story is debt. Servant #1 owed a debt to the king. Servant #2 owed a debt to Servant #1. Through this story we see that we all have a debt as well. A debt to God and a debt to others.


Ye Su所讲故事的中心冲突是债务。第一个仆人欠王的债,第二个仆人欠第一个仆人的债。透过这个故事我们知道每个人都有债务,欠Shen的债和欠人的债。


The Lord’s Prayer

Zhu的Dao Gao


The famous prayer that Jesus taught His disciples used the same word debt that was in His story of the servants.


Ye Su教导他Men Tu的著名Dao Gao里,也用了跟故事中仆人所欠债务的债务这一词。


And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors.

Matthew 6:12 NIV

免我们的债, 如同我们免了人的债。

马太Fu Yin 6:12


In the prayer Jesus directs us to ask for God to forgive our debts (like Servant #1) and then to forgive our debtors (like Servant #2).


在这个Dao Gao中Ye Su教导我们向Shen祈求债务的免除(就像第一个仆人所做的),然后免除别人(比如第二个仆人)的债。


Is there a consequence to not forgiving our debtors?



In Jesus’ story, the first natural consequences of unforgiveness was a broken relationship between two people (Servant #1 and Servant #2). The second consequence was the inner rage felt by Servant #1, the third consequence was the pain that Servant #2 experienced. And his pain stretched to his family as well. The debt, unforgiveness and consequences did not only affect these two servants. Their entire families were affected as well. The consequences then stretched out to the other servants who were outraged. Finally, the king was angered, and Servant #1 was imprisoned.


在Ye Su的故事里,不饶恕带来的第一个自然后果就是两个人关系的破裂(两个仆人)。第二个后果就是第一个仆人内心的愤怒。第三个后果就是第二个仆人所经历的痛苦,并且他的痛苦延伸到他的家人身上。债务、不饶恕和这些后果都不仅仅影响到这两个仆人,他们的整个家庭都会受到影响。这些后果进而影响到其他仆人,他们被激怒。最终,王也发怒,第一个仆人被下到监里。


  1. A broken relationship between two people (Servant #1 and Servant #2)
  2. The inner rage felt by Servant #1
  3. The pain that Servant #2 experienced
  4. The pain felt by the family
  5. The outrage of the other servants
  6. The anger of the king
  7. The final imprisonment of Servant #1


You may think that your unforgiving heart is just your own private pain, but it actually radiates out to the people closest to you in your family and those in your community. It will also affect your relationship with God and in the end cause you to be imprisoned in a bitter heart of unforgiveness.




How can we forgive? The key is to know the forgiveness and love of Jesus in us. This is the only way we can forgive others.


我们怎样才能饶恕呢?关键是明白Ye Su对我们的饶恕和爱。这是我们能够饶恕他人的唯一方法。


Forgiveness through the love of God



Corrie Ten Boom and her sister Betsy were victims of Nazi Germany. They were sent to a concentration camp because they worked to hide Jews during the Holocaust. While in the concentration camp, Betsy lost her life, but Corrie lived. After gaining her freedom, Corrie had a vision to bring healing to those whose lives had been destroyed through this devastating time. She learned that the key to healing was forgiveness. It was a key that she knew was true from the Bible, but it was a key that she also had to turn in her own heart.


科蕊和她的姐姐贝思是德国纳粹的受害者。她们因为在大屠杀时期帮助犹太人躲藏,而被送进一个集中营。贝思在集中营里失去了生命,但是科蕊活了下来。在重获自由之后,科蕊有一个异象,就是要给在这段灾难中,生活被摧毁的人们带去治愈。她明白得到治愈的关键是饶恕。她从Sheng Jing上学到并对此坚信不疑。但这也是她自己所要去践行的。


Once while in Berlin, one of the former concentration camp guards who so terribly mistreated Corrie and Betsy met Corrie in a church. He approached her and with much enthusiasm told her that he had become a Christian and had received forgiveness from Christ. He then wanted to ask Corrie for forgiveness for all of the terrible things he had done to her and her sister. He said, “Miss Ten Boom, would you forgive me?” At that moment, Corrie froze. She could not forgive him. All she could do was say a desperate prayer in her heart to the Lord to ask for His help. She recalled the Word of God:


有一次在柏林,一个曾经虐待过科蕊和贝思的前集中营看守在教堂遇见了科蕊。他走近科蕊,并热情地告诉她,他已经成了一名Ji Du徒,得到了Ji Du的饶恕。然后他想请求科蕊原谅他曾经对她和她姐姐所作的所有可怕的事情。他说:“科蕊女士,你能饶恕我吗?” 在那个时刻,科蕊僵住了。她无法饶恕他,她只能在心里向Shen绝望地Dao Gao,呼求Shen的帮助。她想起Shen的话:


And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us.

Romans 5:5 NIV



罗马书 5:5


She remembered God’s love that had been poured into her own heart. And she prayed again, ”Lord, I cannot forgive him. But I can raise my arm to shake his hand.” So by faith, Corrie raised her hand to meet the former guard’s hand. As her hand grasped his, she felt the love of God pour out from her, down her arm and to that man’s hand. With that supernatural love in her, she was able to wholeheartedly shake that man’s and say, “Yes, brother, I forgive you!”  Corrie felt such love and freedom; through forgiving that man, she was set free herself from the past pain.


她想起Shen已经浇灌在她心里的爱,她再次Dao Gao:“Shen啊,我无法饶恕他,但是我可以抬起手臂跟他握个手。” 所以凭着信心,科蕊抬起手与这位前看守握手。当她握住他的手时,她感觉到Shen的爱从她胳膊下的那只手传递到对方的手上。伴随着这股超自然的爱,她能够真心与那个人握手并说:“是的,弟兄,我饶恕你。” 科蕊感受到了爱和自由。借着饶恕那个人,她自己也从过去的痛苦中被释放。


If your heart is carrying unforgiveness towards someone, consider the price Jesus paid to pay the debt of your sin. On your knees, thank Him for what He has done for you. Then ask Him to fill your heart with His love and enable you to forgive those who have hurt you. If you continue to carry the burden of unforgiveness, you will be placing yourself in a prison that will rob you of freedom, life and joy. Praise God that through Jesus Christ your debts are paid and with His love you can forgive the debtors who have sinned against you.


如果你的心中也存着对某人的不饶恕,想想Ye Su为你的罪所负上的代价。曲膝跪下感谢他为你所做的一切,然后请求他把他的爱浇灌在你心里,让你能够饶恕那些曾伤害你的人。如果你继续背负着不饶恕的重担,你会把自己囚在牢狱当中,你的自由、生活和喜乐都会被这座牢狱夺走。感谢Shen借着Ye Su免除了你的债,借着他的爱,你也能免除得罪了你的那些人的债。