God’s Big Plan || 神的大计划

Dec 17, 2020 | Genesis Notes, Genesis Notes Part 4

Article #46 in the series: You Are God’s Masterpiece: The Genesis Notes.

你是神的工作: 《创世记手记》系列第四十六篇

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Back To Jacob

In chapter 46 the focus of the story moves back to Jacob. For many chapters we have been watching the life of Joseph unfold. But now the spotlight returns to Jacob.


For 22 years Jacob thought his beloved son, Joseph, was dead. For 22 years God must have seemed silent. Jacob had no idea during those 22 years God was using Joseph to save the world. And now Jacob is going to meet his beloved son.

二十二年来,雅各一直认为他心爱的儿子约瑟已经死了。二十二年来, 神对此保持了沉默。雅各不知道在那二十二年中, 神正在用他的儿子约瑟来拯救这个世界。现在雅各就要见到他心爱的儿子了。

So Israel set out with all that was his, and when he reached Beersheba, he offered sacrifices to the God of his father Isaac. And God spoke to Israel in a vision at night and said, “Jacob! Jacob!” “Here I am,” he replied. “I am God, the God of your father,” he said. “Do not be afraid to go down to Egypt, for I will make you into a great nation there. I will go down to Egypt with you, and I will surely bring you back again. And Joseph’s own hand will close your eyes.” Then Jacob left Beersheba, and Israel’s sons took their father Jacob and their children and their wives in the carts that Pharaoh had sent to transport him. So Jacob and all his offspring went to Egypt, taking with them their livestock and the possessions they had acquired in Canaan. Jacob brought with him to Egypt his sons and grandsons and his daughters and granddaughters—all his offspring.

Genesis 46:1-7 NIV


“以色列 带着一切所有的,起程到 别是巴 去,献祭给他父亲 以撒 的上帝。 夜间,上帝在异象中对 以色列 说:“ 雅各 ! 雅各 !”他说:“我在这里。” 上帝说:“我是上帝,你父亲的上帝。不要害怕下 埃及 去,因为我必使你在那里成为大国。 我要和你同下 埃及 去,也必定带你上来; 约瑟 要亲手合上你的眼睛。” 雅各 就从 别是巴 起行。 以色列 的儿子让他们的父亲 雅各 和他们的孩子、妻子都坐在法老为 雅各 派来的车上。 他们也带着 迦南 地所得的牲畜和财物来到 埃及 。 雅各 和他所有的子孙都一同来了。 他把他的儿子、孙子、女儿、孙女,他所有的子孙一同带到 埃及 。”

创世记 46:1-7

A Special Place For Abraham, Isaac And Jacob: Beersheba

Jacob does not go alone to Egypt, he brings all he has. Along the way he came to Beersheba. Beersheba is a special place. Years ago in Beersheba Abraham planted a tamarisk tree and called on the name of the Lord. He called God: El Olam “the Eternal One.”

雅各并不是一个人去埃及,他带了他所有的一切。一路上他来到别是巴。别是巴是一个特殊的地方。多年前,亚伯拉罕在别是巴栽下了一棵垂丝柳树,并求告耶和华的名。他称 神为:“以利”,永在的 神。

“Abraham planted a tamarisk tree in Bersheeba, and there he called on the name of the Lord, the Eternal God.”

Genesis 21:33 NIV


“亚伯拉罕在别是巴栽上一棵垂丝柳树,又在那里求告耶和华永生 神的名。”


God also appeared to Isaac in Beersheba.


“From there he went up to Beersheba. That night the Lord appeared to him and said, ‘I am the God of your father Abraham. Do not be afraid, for I am with you; I will bless you and will increase the number of your descendants for the sake of my servant Abraham.’ Isaac built an altar there and called on the name of the Lord. There he pitched his tent, and there his servants dug a well.”

Genesis 26:23-25 NIV


“以撒从那里上别是巴去。当夜耶和华向他显现,说:‘我是你父亲亚伯拉罕的  神,不要惧怕!因为我与你同在,要赐福给你,并要为我仆人亚伯拉罕的缘故,使你的后裔繁多。’以撒就在那里筑了一座坛,求告耶和华的名,并且支搭帐棚。他的仆人便在那里挖了一口井。”

创世记 26:23-25

Jacob grew up in Beersheba. It was in Beersheba where Isaac blessed Jacob. Jacob then left Beersheba to go to Haran. While he was on the way, he had his first major revelation from God – the ladder going up and down from Heaven. God appeared at the top of the ladder and spoke to Jacob.

雅各在别是巴长大。也是在别是巴以撒给予了雅各祝福。然后雅各离开别是巴前往哈兰。当他在路上的时候,他第一次看见了 神的显现 – 从天堂自上而下的梯子。那时, 神出现在梯子的顶端,与雅各说话。

“There above it stood the Lord, and He said: ‘I am the Lord, the God of your father Abraham and the God of Isaac. I will give you and your descendants the land on which you are lying. Your descendants will be like the dust of the earth, and you will spread out to the west and to the east, to the north and to the south. All peoples on earth will be blessed through you and your offspring. I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go, and I will bring you back to this land. I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you.’”

Genesis 28:13-15 NIV


“耶和华站在梯子以上(或作“站在他旁边”)说:‘我是耶和华你祖亚伯拉罕的  神,也是以撒的  神,我要将你现在所躺卧之地赐给你和你的后裔。你的后裔必像地上的尘沙那样多,必向东西南北开展,地上万族必因你和你的后裔得福。我也与你同在,你无论往哪里去,我必保佑你,领你归回这地,总不离弃你,直到我成全了向你所应许的。”

创世记 28:13-15

Now in chapter 46 God is speaking to Jacob in Beersheba. But it reminds us of when God spoke to Jacob at another time in Bethel. He said:

现在到第四十六章, 神在别是巴对雅各说话。它让我们想起 神在伯特利与雅各说话的时刻。他说:

“And God said to him, ‘I am God Almighty; be fruitful and increase in number. A nation and a community of nations will come from you, and kings will be among your descendants. The land I gave to Abraham and Isaac I also give to you, and I will give this land to your descendants after you.’”

Genesis 35:11-12 NIV


“ 神又对他说:‘我是全能的 神,你要生养众多,将来有一族和多国的民从你而生,又有君王从你而出。我所赐给亚伯拉罕和以撒的地,我要赐给你与你的后裔。”

创世记 35:11-12

Years Have Passed

Now Jacob is an old man at age 130. He is on his way to Egypt to see Joseph the son Jacob thought was dead for 22 years. He has his entire household with him. He makes a special stop in this special place, Beersheba. A place where he grew up, a place where God spoke to his father, Isaac, and his grandfather, Abraham.

现在雅各已经老了。他已经一百三十岁了。他正前往埃及去见约瑟 – 在过去二十二年里他一直以为这个儿子已经死了。他带着自己的全副身家。他在这个特别的地方别是巴作了一个特别的停留。这是他长大的地方,是 神与他的父亲以撒和他的祖父亚伯拉罕说话的地方。

God’s Big Plan

The story of this family focuses on one person at a time – Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph. But we see each of their lives were very connected to the other person. They are not just individual lives, but their lives interwoven into God’s great plan.

这个家族的故事每次重点聚焦在一个人身上 – 亚伯拉罕,以撒,雅各,约瑟。但我们看到他们的每一个人的生命都与另一个人息息相关。他们不仅仅是单个人,他们的生命相互交织在 神的伟大计划中。

Have you ever thought that you are a part of something much bigger than yourself? We often think only about our own lives and God’s plan for my life. What is my purpose? How will God help me? But we see in Genesis, God’s plans are bigger and reach farther. Jacob is a part of something much bigger than just himself. His life plan stretches back to his father and grandfather and it will stretch far ahead to you and me. Have you thought about your life as a part of God’s bigger plan? Do you realize you have a purpose much bigger than just yourself or even your own family?

你有没有想过你是比自己更伟大的事物版图中的一部分?我们常常考虑自己的生活。神对我生命的计划。我的目的是什么?神将如何帮助我(实现我的计划)?但我们在创世记中看到, 神的计划更伟大,更高远。雅各是比自己更伟大的事物中的一部分。他的人生计划可以上溯到他的父亲和祖父那里,它也会延伸到你和我这里。你是否想过你的生命是 神更大计划的一部分?你是否意识到你被创造的目的远远超过你自己甚至是你的家庭?

God has big plans for Jacob. He has big plans for you. Sometimes you have to wait until you are 130 years old before you see it all. Let’s seek for God’s wisdom so even when we are young we can see His plan.

神对雅各有伟大的计划。他也对你有伟大的计划!有时你必须等到你一百三十岁才能完全看清楚它!让我们一起寻求 神的智慧,这样即使在我们年轻的时候,也可以看到他的计划!

God’s Personal Plan

Though God was working on His big plan, at this moment in Beersheba, God is very personal and speaks directly to Jacob. He knew Jacob’s heart’s desire: to see his son, Joseph. As God was speaking to Jacob about His big plan, he also spoke directly to Jacob about his own heart’s desires.

在别是巴的这个时刻, 神变得平易近人,祂直接对雅各说话。他知道雅各的心中所想:去见他儿子约瑟。当 神向雅各讲述他的伟大计划时,他也直击雅各的心中所愿。

So Jacob left his old life in Canaan and he took everything he had with him to Egypt. He had the assurance from God that this was the right decision to make even though it meant he had to leave the Promised Land.

雅各带着所有一切,离开了他在迦南的旧生活。他得到了 神的确据,知道这是正确的决定,即便这意味着他必须离开应许之地。

These are the names of the sons of Israel (Jacob and his descendants) who went to Egypt: Reuben the firstborn of Jacob. The sons of Reuben: Hanok, Pallu, Hezron and Karmi. The sons of Simeon: Jemuel, Jamin, Ohad, Jakin, Zohar and Shaul the son of a Canaanite woman. The sons of Levi: Gershon, Kohath and Merari. The sons of Judah: Er, Onan, Shelah, Perez and Zerah (but Er and Onan had died in the land of Canaan). The sons of Perez: Hezron and Hamul. The sons of Issachar: Tola, Puah, Jashub and Shimron. The sons of Zebulun: Sered, Elon and Jahleel. These were the sons Leah bore to Jacob in Paddan Aram, besides his daughter Dinah. These sons and daughters of his were thirty-three in all. The sons of Gad: Zephon, Haggi, Shuni, Ezbon, Eri, Arodi and Areli. The sons of Asher: Imnah, Ishvah, Ishvi and Beriah. Their sister was Serah. The sons of Beriah: Heber and Malkiel. These were the children born to Jacob by Zilpah, whom Laban had given to his daughter Leah—sixteen in all. The sons of Jacob’s wife Rachel: Joseph and Benjamin. In Egypt, Manasseh and Ephraim were born to Joseph by Asenath daughter of Potiphera, priest of On. The sons of Benjamin: Bela, Beker, Ashbel, Gera, Naaman, Ehi, Rosh, Muppim, Huppim and Ard. These were the sons of Rachel who were born to Jacob—fourteen in all. The son of Dan: Hushim. The sons of Naphtali: Jahziel, Guni, Jezer and Shillem. These were the sons born to Jacob by Bilhah, whom Laban had given to his daughter Rachel—seven in all. All those who went to Egypt with Jacob—those who were his direct descendants, not counting his sons’ wives—numbered sixty-six persons. With the two sons who had been born to Joseph in Egypt, the members of Jacob’s family, which went to Egypt, were seventy in all. Now Jacob sent Judah ahead of him to Joseph to get directions to Goshen. When they arrived in the region of Goshen, 29Joseph had his chariot made ready and went to Goshen to meet his father Israel. As soon as Joseph appeared before him, he threw his arms around his father and wept for a long time. Israel said to Joseph, “Now I am ready to die, since I have seen for myself that you are still alive.” Then Joseph said to his brothers and to his father’s household, “I will go up and speak to Pharaoh and will say to him, ‘My brothers and my father’s household, who were living in the land of Canaan, have come to me. The men are shepherds; they tend livestock, and they have brought along their flocks and herds and everything they own.’ When Pharaoh calls you in and asks, ‘What is your occupation?’ you should answer, ‘Your servants have tended livestock from our boyhood on, just as our fathers did.’ Then you will be allowed to settle in the region of Goshen, for all shepherds are detestable to the Egyptians.”

Genesis 46:8-34 NIV


“这些是来到 埃及 的 以色列 人, 雅各 和他子孙的名字: 雅各 的长子是 吕便 。 吕便 的儿子是 哈诺 、 法路 、 希斯伦 、 迦米 。 西缅 的儿子是 耶母利 、 雅悯 、 阿辖 、 雅斤 、 琐辖 ,还有 迦南 女子生的儿子 扫罗 。 利未 的儿子是 革顺 、 哥辖 、 米拉利 。 犹大 的儿子是 珥 、 俄南 、 示拉 、 法勒斯 、 谢拉 ; 珥 与 俄南 死在 迦南 地。 法勒斯 的儿子是 希斯仑 、 哈母勒 。 以萨迦 的儿子是 陀拉 、 普瓦 、 约伯 、 伸仑 。 西布伦 的儿子是 西烈 、 以伦 、 雅利 。 这是 利亚 在 巴旦.亚兰 为 雅各 所生的儿孙,还有女儿 底拿 ,儿孙共三十三人。 迦得 的儿子是 洗非芸 、 哈基 、 书尼 、 以斯本 、 以利 、 亚罗底 、 亚列利 。 亚设 的儿子是 音拿 、 亦施瓦 、 亦施韦 、 比利亚 ,还有他们的妹妹 西拉 。 比利亚 的儿子是 希别 、 玛结 。 这是 拉班 给他女儿 利亚 的婢女 悉帕 的儿孙,她为 雅各 所生的共有十六人。 雅各 之妻 拉结 的儿子是 约瑟 和 便雅悯 。 约瑟 在 埃及 地生了 玛拿西 和 以法莲 ,是 安城 的祭司 波提非拉 的女儿 亚西纳 为 约瑟 生的。 便雅悯 的儿子是 比拉 、 比结 、 亚实别 、 基拉 、 乃幔 、 以希 、 罗实 、 母平 、 户平 、 亚勒 。 这是 拉结 为 雅各 所生的儿孙,共有十四人。 但 的儿子是 户伸 。 拿弗他利 的儿子是 雅薛 、 沽尼 、 耶色 、 示冷 。 这是 拉班 给他女儿 拉结 的婢女 辟拉 的儿孙,她为 雅各 所生的共有七人。 那与 雅各 同到 埃及 的,除了他媳妇之外,凡从他生的共有六十六人。 还有 约瑟 在 埃及 所生的两个儿子。到 埃及 的 雅各 全家共有七十人。 雅各 派 犹大 先到 约瑟 那里,请他先指示到 歌珊 去的路;于是他们来到了 歌珊 地。 约瑟 备好座车,上 歌珊 去迎接他的父亲 以色列 。他见到父亲,就伏在父亲的颈项上,在父亲的颈项上哭了许久。 以色列 对 约瑟 说:“我见了你的面,知道你还活着,现在我可以死了。” 约瑟 对他兄弟和他父亲的全家说:“我要上去告诉法老,对他说:‘我在 迦南 地的兄弟和我父亲的全家,都到我这里来了。 他们是牧羊人,是牧放牲畜的人;他们把羊群牛群和一切所有的都带来了。’ 等到法老召见你们,说:‘你们是做什么的?’ 你们就说:‘你的仆人,从幼年直到现在,都是牧放牲畜的人,我们和我们的祖宗都是这样。’如此,你们就可以住在 歌珊 地,因为凡牧羊的都被 埃及 人厌恶。””

创世记 46:8-34

Jacob Was Fruitful

Jacob’s family was now a total of 70 people. When he first left his parents’ home, he was but one man. Now he has grown into a great company of people. These lives represent Jacob’s life work. God told him to be fruitful and multiply, Jacob did it. He now was 70 people. These people were a part of God’s bigger plan. These 12 sons would grow in to the 12 Tribes of Israel.

雅各的全家现在一共才七十个人。当他离开父母的家时,他只是一个人,现在他已经发展为一个庞大的群体。这些人是雅各的生命工作。神告诉他要生养众多,雅各做到了。他现在有七十个人。这些人都是 神更大计划中的一部分。这 十二个儿子将成长为以色列的 十二个部落!

Judah Rising As The Leader

At this point in the narrative, once again Judah serves as the leader of the family. Judah is not the firstborn. Reuben is. But Reuben lost his position as a leader when he slept with his father’s concubine. Although Judah had been through difficult events in life, he repented of his past sins and was willing and able to take the position of humble leader of his brothers. Jacob saw this in Judah and gives him the honor of going ahead of the family to prepare the way.


Judah’s life should be very encouraging for us. Not only was Judah guilty of the sin of selling his brother into slavery, he also raised two sons who were so evil God killed them. Then Judah mistreated his daughter-in-law, slept with her and condemned her to death. But his life changed when Judah acknowledged his sin, confessed and repented. Since that time of repentance there were three major leadership moments in his life where he selflessly served his family.

犹大的生命对我们来说是备受鼓舞的。犹大不仅犯了罪,将他的兄弟卖为奴隶,他抚养的两个儿子还非常邪恶, 神杀了他们,然后他自己错待了儿媳,与她一起同寝然后将她判处死刑。但是当犹大意识到自己的罪,忏悔和悔改时,他的生命发生了改变。在那个忏悔时刻之后,他生命中有三个主要的领导力时刻,在那些时刻他无私地服侍家人。

  • Judah spoke to Jacob and convinced him he had to allow Benjamin to go to Egypt.


  • Judah spoke to Joseph and asked for mercy to allow Benjamin to return home.


  • Jacob sent Judah ahead of the family to get directions to Goshen. (He is the GPS.)

God redeemed Judah’s life and took a repentant sinner and turned him into a great leader. In fact, through the rest of the Old Testament we will see the tribe of Judah rising higher and higher until finally out of Judah comes King David and then our King Jesus.


Need To Work

Once the brothers arrived in Egypt, Joseph found them a job. Do you think the brothers need to work in Egypt? Joseph is the leader of Egypt second only to Pharaoh. Even though Joseph will supply everything for his brothers it is still good for them to work. Work is a benefit for us. Work helps us be productive, develops our character, grows our skills, keeps us in community. Without work we are idle and it is hard to grow. Jacob’s sons have a job to do now. They are shepherds. This seems like a good job for them; the Egyptians did not like this job.

一旦兄弟们到达埃及,约瑟就为他们找到了工作。你认为这些兄弟们需要在埃及工作吗?约瑟是一人之下,万人之上的领袖!尽管约瑟会为他的兄弟们供应一切所需,但他们最好还是可以继续工作。工作对我们有利。它让我们变得高效,锻炼我们的性格,提升我们的技能,让我们生活在社群里。如果没有工作,我们会闲着,很难成长。雅各的儿子们现在有工作要做了 – 他们是牧羊人。这对他们来说是一件好差事, 似乎埃及人不喜欢这份工作!

We all have work to do. You might get paid, you might not. Your work might be for a company. Your work might be for your family as a mother or wife. Your work might be for the church serving. Work is good for us and helps us to grow. Even these men who were the brothers of the great leader, Joseph, had to work. This helped them to become a part of the Egyptian culture and we will see later that their work builds a relationship with Pharaoh.


The Big Plan Of God

Jacob probably never thought he would move to Egypt. He knew God had promised him the land of Canaan. But he was obedient and flexible. He saw he was a part of a bigger story. He could have said, “But God, You promised me the Promised Land. ” But he did not. He followed God’s will and he knew he was part of a story much bigger than himself.

雅各可能从未想过他会搬到埃及。他知道 神曾向他应许过迦南之地。但他顺服,而且处事灵活。他看到自己是一个更宏大版图一部分。他本可以说,“但是, 神你答应了我应许之地!”但他没有。他遵循 神的旨意,他知道自己是一个更大故事版图中的一部分。

We are also a part of a story much bigger than ourselves. God’s plan for our lives is not just about us. The plan includes our families, our communities and nations. Will we be flexible to follow God wherever He leads us? Will we be open to listen to His voice just as Jacob was as he listened to God in Beersheba and responding in obeying His commands? God can lead us into greater things for His Kingdom. Let us keep our focus on Him and His plans, not just our own lives.

我们也是更宏大故事版图的一部分。神对我们生命的计划不仅与我们有关。更与我们的家庭,社群和整个国家有关。无论 神带领我们去往哪里,我们都能灵活跟随他吗?我们愿意倾听他的声音吗,就像雅各在别是巴听到 神的声音并遵守他的旨意?神可以引导我们为祂的国做更大的事。让我们一直定睛在祂身上,关注祂的计划 – 而不仅仅是我们自己的生活。

Part Three

  1. How to Find a Husband or Wife Genesis-Style || 如何寻找丈夫或妻子-创世记择偶指南
  2. Cherish our Birthright as Children of God || 珍惜作为 神儿女而拥有的长子权
  3. Got Challenges? || 面临挑战?
  4. Birthright and Blessing || 长子权与祝福
  5. Jacob’s Ladder || 雅各的梯子
  6. Work Diligently and Righteously || 勤勉而诚实地工作
  7. Family Competition || 家庭竞赛
  8. Facing Big Problems || 面对大难题
  9. Jacob Finally Overcomes Fear || 雅各终胜惧怕
  10. The Miracle Moment || 奇迹的时刻
  11. Dinah’s Story || 底拿的故事

Part Four

  1. Purify Yourself || 洁净自己
  2. Getting Positioned by God || 被 神定位
  3. An Uncomfortable Story || 一个让人不适的故事
  4. The Key to Success || 成功的关键
  5. Joseph and Jesus || 约瑟和耶稣
  6. The Big Moment || 重大时刻
  7. Famine and Fear || 饥荒和恐惧
  8. Back to Egypt || 回到埃及
  9. Mercy or Judgment? || 怜悯还是论断?
  10. The Big Reveal: MERCY || 大揭晓:怜悯
  11. God’s Big Plan || 神的大计划
  12. God’s Plans, God’s Promises, Our Work || 神的计划, 神的应许,我们的工作
  13. Future Generations || 后代
  14. The Past and the Future || 过去和未来
  15. Finally! Forgiveness and a Future Hope || 最后!饶恕和未来的希望