Leading Kids in Worship || 带领小朋友们一起敬拜

Jun 4, 2022 | Kids Are Awesome

This Spiritual Waimai is a part of a series entitled: Kids are Awesome: Leading the Next Generation of Faith. These articles are specifically written for anyone who is leading young children to grow in faith. We hope they can also be applied to leading younger generations of all ages.

这篇属灵外卖是 “小羊的力量:如何引领下一代的信仰”系列文章之一。本系列专为帮助引导孩童在信心之路上成长的同工而作。我们希望这些文章也能应用在不同年龄阶段的青少年事工中。


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Let’s make a joyful noise to the Lord!


Music is a gift God gave us that connects our hearts and minds in a beautiful expression. Singing is joyful, worshipful and a way to teach biblical truths to our children.


Worship leading is not just singing

When you lead children in worship you must – lead! That means planning, teaching and leading the children to sing together. Singing together will be joyful time to be united with the children in praising the Lord. The leader must be prepared to lead so it is easy for the children to participate and make a joyful noise!


How to choose a new song

Songs with simple and few lyrics will be easiest for children to pick up. If the song has more than 8 lines of text, it will be difficult for young children to remember. Hand motions will make the song fun and easier for the children to learn, plus it allows the children to immediately participate even if they can’t sing the words.


The leader must know the song well

This may seem obvious, but make sure you know the song really well before you attempt to teach it to the children. If you stumble on the words or forget the melody, the song will become confusing and it will be difficult for the children to easily join you.


Teach the song first, don’t just sing it

When introducing a new song to the children, don’t expect them to automatically start singing along with you. You will need time to teach them. A simple sequence for teaching a new song is:


1.Motions 手势

2.Words 歌词

3.Melody 旋律

When you start with teaching motions, it is easy for all children to immediately participate. Then use “repeat after me” style to teach words and then finally use “repeat after me” to break down the song into short parts and have the children sing after you – while using their hand motions.


It is best to sing with just voices (no instruments, no technology) when learning a new song. It is fun to add instruments or use technology after the children know the song well.


Song leading tips:

  • The tempo of a new song should be slow to begin with


  • Sit down for instructions, stand up for singing time only


  • Use “repeat after me” until the children are comfortable singing with you


  • Break down the song into small sections

Once the children know a song well, you can add variety by singing the song faster and faster or slower and slower. You can sing loudly or softly. You can do big hand motions or tiny motions. Dividing the class into two groups to take turns singing can be a fun competition.


It is best to choose only one or two new songs to add to a list of songs the children already know and enjoy singing. Take a moment to pray and model for the children how to have a worshipful heart that focuses on God when we sing.


Worshiping with our children can be one of the most joyful times together as we all express our praise and love to the Lord through song! The songs you teach your children now will most likely be remembered for the rest of their lives.


