Leading Kids through Story Telling || 跟小朋友们讲故事

Jun 4, 2022 | Kids Are Awesome

This Spiritual Waimai is a part of a series entitled: Kids are Awesome: Leading the Next Generation of Faith. These articles are specifically written for anyone who is leading young children to grow in faith. We hope they can also be applied to leading younger generations of all ages.

这篇属灵外卖是 “小羊的力量:如何引领下一代的信仰”系列文章之一。本系列专为帮助引导孩童在信心之路上成长的同工而作。我们希望这些文章也能应用在不同年龄阶段的青少年事工中。


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The Bible: The Greatest Storybook

A story captures the imagination and a simple story told well can teach truth to people of all ages and spiritual maturity levels. The stories in the Bible teach about God’s character, the nature of humans, God’s laws for holy living, the way of forgiveness and redemption and His ultimate plan for all people. How can we use these timeless stories to pass God’s truth on to the next generation?


As we teach the stories of the Bible, our goal should not be to just teach the facts of the story that the children repeat. Our goal should be to awaken our children’s minds, hearts and spirits to engage with the story and allow the truths to touch their lives. When Jesus told stories, He often engaged His followers in discussion or invited them into action. How will we connect our children to the stories?


Preparing for the story

Prepare a “hook” – a short introduction to catch their attention such as a prop, a game, or a song. This will not only increase their interest but also develop curiosity about the story.

准备一个“抓眼球的东西” – 通过一个简短的介绍来吸引孩子们的注意力,比如一件道具、一款游戏或一首歌。这不仅会增加他们的兴趣,也会培养他们对故事的好奇心。

Engage the minds of the children before reading the story. Helping the children to make connections to their life and also recalling what they already know about the story will turn their brains on preparing them to receive the story.


  • Ask the children what they already know about this topic or story.
    When God created the world, what were some of the things He made, do you remember?

  • Connect the story to the children’s life.
    Have you ever had to tell someone “I’m sorry”? Did they forgive you?
    Did you do anything to show love to your family today?
    Have you ever been on a boat? How did it feel?

Use a real Bible

When presenting the Bible to children, always use a real Bible. Model for the children what it is like to hold a real Bible in your hands, turn the pages and find books, chapters and verses. This helps the children understand that this is not a magical fairytale but true teaching from God’s Word.


Create a cozy and welcoming atmosphere

Story time is a nice time for children to sit closer to the leader on the floor rather than on chairs. To manage behaviors and give the children boundaries, use cushions to help each child know their special spot.


Welcome the Holy Spirit to reveal truths

Before reading the story, invite the children to pray with you to ask God to be the leader. In this way leaders model for children the importance of prayer and asking the Holy Spirit to be our guide. Reading the Bible is different from reading other books, this is God’s book and He will help us understand it.


Read dramatically

Bring the story to life through dramatic reading. Use different voices for characters, adjust the volume of your voice to create excitement.


Use simple repetitive language

Sometimes it is best to read a story straight from the Bible. Many stories in the Bible are told with clear and simple words that children can easily understand. But sometimes it is necessary to paraphrase the story to meet the level of our children.


  • Use short sentences. Example: “God made the sun. God made the stars. God made the moon.”

  • Repeat the same phrases over and over. Example: “God made the sun and He made you. God made the stars and He made you. God made the moon and He made you.”

  • Explain difficult words in terms young children can understand. Example: “Righteousness is when we do what is right.”

Prepare visual aids

Use pictures and props as visual aids to help the children focus and understand the story.


Engage all five senses

How can children use all five senses to interact with the story?


Use different types of questions to inspire critical thinking

  1. Prediction Questions: What do you think will happen next? What would you do in this situation? What do you think she should do?
  2.  Knowledge Questions: “What happened?”
    知识性问题 ”发生了什么?”
  3.  Comprehension Questions: “What does it mean?”
  4.  Application Questions: “What does this mean to me?”

Foster active participation through play-acting

Act out parts of the story in a simple way by using hand motions or actions to involve everyone.


Use “repeat after me!”

Ask children to children repeat words from the story.


Bible Activities

1. Retell the story through drama

Children love to pretend. It is one of the key methods young children use to learn. Invite them into the story as they pretend to be the characters. Use simple costumes such as fabric and props. This is not just a show time where the children watch the leaders act out the story, but rather an activity for the children to participate in as actors.


2. Use pictures for story sequencing

Prepare pictures of the story, allow the children to put the pictures in the correct order and retell it in their own words.


3. Play games

Choose one of the elements of the story and create a game. Examples:

  • Race to collect the most fish and bread into your basket
  • Find the lost sheep hidden in the room
  • Gather the fruits of the spirit
  • Follow the Good Shepherd by mirroring actions
  • Look for the hidden treasure
  • Build an ark with blocks and place all toy animals inside

4. Object lesson

Use real items to demonstrate spiritual concepts. For example, children can try to fit sand, pebbles and large rocks into a jar. It is hard to start with sand and pebbles and finish with rocks! The lesson to be learned: God is like the big rocks. He should be placed first in your life and then there is room for other things to be added. Another example is to do a science experiment with white carnation flowers and water with red food coloring. If you place the white flowers in the red water, the flower will turn red. This can represent Jesus taking on the sins of the world.


As you share the magnificent stories of God’s Word with children, may their imaginations be captured and hearts sown into. The seeds of God’s Word that you plant today will grow into a beautiful garden tomorrow.


