Leading Kids with Fantastic Lessons || 一堂体验极佳的互动课堂

Jun 2, 2022 | Kids Are Awesome

This Spiritual Waimai is a part of a series entitled: Kids are Awesome: Leading the Next Generation of Faith. These articles are specifically written for anyone who is leading young children to grow in faith. We hope they can also be applied to leading younger generations of all ages.

这篇属灵外卖是 “小羊的力量:如何引领下一代的信仰”系列文章之一。本系列专为帮助引导孩童在信心之路上成长的同工而作。我们希望这些文章也能应用在不同年龄阶段的青少年事工中。


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How can you plan an exciting and interactive lesson with your kids?


When we are leading children to grow in faith, the Bible is the centerpiece of what we teach our children. As leaders, it is our textbook and our treasure chest. We will draw from its pages God’s truths to pass on to our children.


But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have become convinced of, because you know those from whom you learned it, and how from infancy you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work. 2 Timothy‬ 3:14-17‬ NIV‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬



From infancy Timothy was taught the scriptures. According to these verses, when we study the Bible we will understand what salvation is as well as be taught, rebuked, corrected and trained in righteousness. The result will be that we are thoroughly equipped for every good work!


Likewise, we will use the Bible to teach our children these same things so that they will be equipped to be servants of God. How will we use the Bible to teach and train our children? The Bible is our textbook and it is full of powerful lessons for us all no matter our age.


Choose a Bible story, biblical concept or portion of scripture to teach, study it and focus on one goal to pass on to the children.


How do you decide what to teach?

  • Pray and ask the Holy Spirit to guide you to choose a passage.

  • What has God recently taught you?

  • What passages are important to you?

  • As you consider your unique children, what do you believe they need to learn?

Study that part of the scripture yourself and then ask the Holy Spirit to show you what He would like to teach the children. The activities in your lesson should all point back to your main goal.


Examples: 例如

Bible story: Genesis 1
圣经故事:创世纪 第1章
Goal: God made the world, God made me

Bible story: The Lost Sheep
Goal: God loves me, I am His sheep, he will protect me and He will look for me when I am lost or need help.

Bible story: Jesus calls His disciples
Goal: God has a plan for my life to follow Jesus and help others know Jesus

How to plan a lesson

As instructors of God’s Word, we should take the time to plan our lessons. This will not only make the lesson smooth, but the children will gain more from what you have prepared.


Some suggestions of how to structure your time with children:

Worship 敬拜
Story 故事
Activity 活动
Bible Memorization 经文记诵
Craft 手工

These different sections put together can make up a wonderful plan for any Children’s Group. Within each section, the leader will need to do careful preparation.


1. Make a plan

Write down your plan on a piece of paper, don’t just wing it! The more you write down, the more prepared you will feel. If you are teaching young children, each different activity should only last about 5 minutes. Each activity should always be connected to your goal.


2. Begin with a warm welcome and exciting launch into the lesson

The beginning of your time with the children should include welcoming them so they feel that they belong. This can be done with a greeting, a song or a little game. Next comes a “hook” which is something to capture their attention. A special prop, a song, or a game to quickly get them involved in the lesson. This should be connected to your main goal or the part of the Bible you will be teaching. The hook can also remind children of something they learned in the past.


Example: 举例

When teaching the Lost Sheep, have a stuffed animal sheep to greet the children.

3. Prepare a variety of activities that bring the Bible to life

Remember to use active learning when making your plans. The children should be given the opportunity to engage the body, mind and spirit. Remember the short attention span of children and prepare more activities than you think you will need.


  • Listening

  • Moving

  • Speaking and thinking
    发言 和 思考

  • Serving

4. Begin with concrete activities and examples before moving to abstract spiritual concepts

Use games, objects and pictures to go from concrete concepts to abstract. Jesus often started from a very concrete idea such as a sheep getting lost, a woman losing a coin, a man needing help on the side of the road or an animal falling into a well. From that starting point he was able to teach a more abstract spiritual principle such as salvation, love or kindness.


5. Model, support and empower when teaching a new game, skill or activity

When teaching a new skill or showing children how to play a game or do a craft, use the I Do – We Do – You Do structure. As the leader, you should be the model. Then invite the child to do the activity with you as you support them. Finally, empower the child to do the activity on their own.


6. Strive for 100% participation
争取100% 参与度

Consider how you can achieve 100% participation in your class. You do not want to leave any child out, how can everyone participate in the game, activity, song or drama? Don’t allow anyone to just be a spectator, everyone should be involved!

考虑一下你的课堂上如何实现100% 参与度。你不想漏掉任何一个孩子,如何让每个孩子都能参与到游戏、活动、歌曲或戏剧中呢?不要让任何人只是做一个旁观者,每个孩子都应该参与进来!

7. Take time for critical thinking

Teaching our children to discover God’s truths on their own could be one of the greatest things we can give to our children. We do not want to just tell them what to think or believe, let’s help them use their own minds and spirits. We do this by asking questions, giving them problems to solve, asking them to retell stories. Following this progression of questions will take children into deeper understanding.


  • Knowledge Questions “What happened?”
    知识性问题 ”发生了什么?”

  • Comprehension Questions “What does it mean?”

  • Application Questions “What does this mean to me?”

8. Anticipate transitions

How will you move from one activity to the next? How will you hand out paper and markers? Do you want the children to sit on chairs or on the floor?


9. Prepare interactive teaching tools: resources and supplies

Resources such as pictures, activity ideas and videos can be found online. When you find good resources, save them so you can use them in the future.


What objects will you use to teach your lesson? Items that children can hold and touch will always be more effective than a PPT or photo. Toys are useful but you can also use normal things found around the home. A cardboard box can be turned into a boat. A blanket can become a king’s robe. Just like the children, you can use your imagination to bring the Bible to life with simple but well-prepared items.


The more you prepare, the more prepared you will be

What an honor it is to make disciples! Every time you have an opportunity to teach God’s Word to children, take the time to prepare well. The more you put into the creation of your lesson, the more confident you will be in your teaching and the greater the impact you will have. A quick guideline for your preparation:


  • Prayerfully decide what to teach and set a goal

  • Prepare an opening welcome and hook to capture their attention

  • Present the scripture or biblical concept: reading, story-telling, drama

  • Prepare activities to reinforce the biblical story or truth: games, songs, actions, drama, crafts

  • Guide children to critically think about the biblical story or truth

  • Prepare teaching tools to support the teaching

  • Write out your lesson plan with steps

