Perseverance: the new kind of strength || 忍耐:新的力量

Jun 27, 2022 | Waimai


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Just take one more step



We had 30 minutes to complete the workout. The goal was to finish 10 rounds of alternating between the rowing machine, burpees and jumping pull-ups. Our coach told us it was going to be hard but we ladies were up to the task. The three of us gave high-fives all around as the coach set the timer. 3-2-1 GO! We were all positioned on our rowing machines furiously pulling away. After one minute we hopped off and did 10 burpees (this was the hardest part) and then we went to the bars and did 10 jumping pull-ups. (We aren’t ready for regular pull-ups!) Then we started over again.


We were sweating and breathing heavily. Halfway through I shouted out, “We are at the top of the mountain! Time to come down!” The loud gym music was playing but we weren’t paying much attention to the music but rather getting through the workout.

我们汗流浃背,呼吸急促。进行到一半时,我喊道:“我们到山顶了!该下来了!” 尽管健身房的音乐很响,但我们并没有过多关注音乐,而是专心完成锻炼。

When we got to the 8th round, I was just focusing on finishing. I knew we could do it even though it was difficult. If we just kept going and didn’t stop, we would reach our goal. I thought of the very strong people in our gym and I thought, “It doesn’t matter how strong I am, what matters is if I can persevere to the end. If the person with the biggest muscles can’t persevere to the end and gives up, what good is that?” I was feeling the power of endurance. I certainly wasn’t the strongest person in the gym. In fact, I was one of the weakest, but I had endurance and I could press on.

当我们进入第8轮时,我只想着完成锻炼。我知道我们是可以做到的,即便这很困难。如果我们继续前进,不停下来,我们就会达到目标。我想到了在我们健身房里非常强壮的人,我想,“不管我是否强壮,重要的是我要忍耐到底。”如果一个肌肉最强大的人不能忍耐到最后而选择放弃,那又有什么用呢?” 我感受到了忍耐的力量。我当然不是健身房里最强壮的人。事实上,我是最弱的人之一,但我能忍耐,我可以继续前进。

The timer finally hit 30 minutes. We did it! We three ladies made it through the workout. Sweaty, out of breath and a bit dazed. But we did it. We could hardly talk but we gave one another sloppy high-fives and grabbed our water bottles. We had persevered.


No matter how strong, smart, inspired or enthusiastic you are, if you cannot persevere through something difficult, you won’t succeed. You can have all the brilliant ideas in the world but if you do not persevere, you will quit before you achieve them. Without perseverance, you can’t do much. Without perseverance people quit jobs, end relationships, move cities, drop out of clubs or teams, and just don’t finish what they so heartily started.


Perseverance is the key for achieving hope and maturity

In Romans Paul writes that perseverance in suffering will lead to hope.


Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us.
Romans 5:3-5 NIV


罗马书 5:3-5

After we completed that 30-minute workout, we were exhausted, but we knew we could do it. So the following week when we had to do another hard 30 minute workout, we didn’t complain but had hope that we would be able to accomplish it again. And we did!


When we endure and overcome in suffering, our character develops, and we have hope that we will make it through hardship again in the future. We also have hope that the best is yet to come as the Lord pours His love into our hearts.


James writes that perseverance leads to maturity.


Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.
James 1:2-4 NIV


雅各书 1:2-4

In our workouts, we are getting stronger physically, mentally and spiritually (as we mediate on the Bible as we row!) Our muscles are growing stronger. When we persevere through trials, our mental and spiritual muscles develop. We become mature and complete as our faith is tested.

我们锻炼时,身体、心理和灵命上都变得更强壮 (因为划行时,也会默想圣经!) 我们的肌肉越来越强健。当我们在试炼中忍耐,心智和灵命的肌肉就会成长。信心受到试炼时,我们会变得成全和完备。

The role of joy

In our workouts we like to cheer for each other and keep a positive attitude. Even on the hardest days, we don’t complain; we know the workout will be good for us and we can help each other through. The positive vibe from the group helps us all to keep going.


In both of the scriptures about persevering, we are told what kind of attitude to have to make it through hardship and persevere. We are to be joyful when we face trials and glory in suffering. This cheerful attitude and outlook on life will carry you far. Negativity, self-pity and complaining make it incredibly hard to keep moving forward through trials and suffering.


A happy heart makes the face cheerful, but heartache crushes the spirit. . . All the days of the oppressed are wretched, but the cheerful heart has a continual feast.
Proverbs 15:13, 15 NIV


箴言 15:13,15

Just take one more step

If you are in a trial or suffering today, just take one more step. Ask the Lord to bring joy into your heart as you persevere. Then take one more step, and another. You may not feel like the strongest person, but as you press on in perseverance, your character will develop, your faith will grow, hope will rise and you will become mature in the Lord. And at the end you will be amazed at how far you have come!


