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Spiritual Waimai Articles

Signs, warnings, instructions || 预兆、警告和指示

Signs, warnings, instructions || 预兆、警告和指示

What are the signs of Jesus’ soon return?
What are the warnings for us all?
What are the instructions He has given ?
Am I aware of the signs, alert to the warnings and obedient to the instructions?


Signs, warnings, instructions || 预兆、警告和指示

Hypocrites and the Humble || 伪君子与谦卑者

This Spiritual Waimai is a part of a series entitled Mission Accomplished: the mission of Jesus Christ as told by Matthew and now lived out by you and me.


The One Thing || 那件事

The One Thing || 那件事

But the Lord said to her, “My dear Martha, you are worried and upset over all these details! There is only one thing worth being concerned about. Mary has discovered it, and it will not be taken away from her.”


Leading Kids in Craft Time || 带领小朋友们做手工

Leading Kids in Craft Time || 带领小朋友们做手工

Craft time gives children a creative way to interact with Biblical truths. A well-planned and age-appropriate craft that makes room for creativity will be a fun way for God’s Word to be planted in our children’s minds and hearts.


Leading Kids in Craft Time || 带领小朋友们做手工

Leading Kids in Memorizing the Word || 带领小朋友们背经文

The young brain is amazingly absorbent. Bible verses memorized at young age will most likely remain in children’s brains into adulthood. We want to take advantage of this golden age of learning to fill our children’s minds with God’s Word that they can carry with them through their entire lives.


Leading Kids in Craft Time || 带领小朋友们做手工

Leading Kids in Worship || 带领小朋友们一起敬拜

Music is a gift God gave us that connects our hearts and minds in a beautiful expression. Singing is joyful, worshipful and a way to teach biblical truths to our children.


