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I am an older single woman. I want to marry a Christian man, but there seem to be fewer and fewer Christian men my age that are suitable to me. I have been praying and waiting for a long time. How do I handle this situation?
我是位大龄单身女性。我想要跟一位Ji Du Tu弟兄结婚,但合适的、跟我年龄相仿的Zhu 内弟兄好像越来越少。我为此祷告并等候很长时间了。怎么处理这种情况呢?
R.H. has been a Christian for 32 years, formerly married and ever-growing. Here is what he has to say:
Keep on praying and following God. Trust that the timing is right. No matter what, God is what is important. Just because you find a spouse, it doesn’t mean life gets easier. Being single could be what God has for you. Accept that either outcome could be God’s will.
继续Dao Gao和跟随Shen。相信时机总是合宜的。无论如何,Shen最重要。生活并不会因为你找到了一个配偶就变得更加轻松。单身也许是Shen给你的安排。
L.P. and his wife have a cross-cultural marriage have been married for 9 years with two young sons. Here is what he has to say:
Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” Galatians 6:9 NIV
It took Abraham 100 years before he received God’s promise, but he did not lose his faith. He took a major detour and it didn’t turn out well, but he still believed.
赞美Shen坚定不移的爱(诗篇33:1-3)。思想祂的大能和完全的权柄(诗篇33:6-11)。满怀盼望地等候Shen,而不仅是单纯地等待意中人(诗篇33:20-22)。牢记一个祂用宝血赎买的应许。诗篇34:4-5:“我曾寻求Ye He Hua,他就应允我,救我脱离了一切的恐惧。 凡仰望他的,便有光荣;他们的脸必不蒙羞。”