The Miracle Moment || 奇迹的时刻

Sep 4, 2020 | Genesis Notes, Genesis Notes Part 3

Article #33 in the series: You Are God’s Masterpiece: The Genesis Notes.

你是神的工作: 《创世记手记》系列第三十三篇

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With the victory of Jesus, you can face any difficult meeting depend on God’s outcomes.



Jacob’s Spiritual Victory – the Night Before
雅各属灵生命的得胜—— 前一夜

In Genesis 32 Jacob had a great victory. With God’s help Jacob conquered fear, something he had been battling for years. Genesis 32 is the night before Jacob will meet his twin brother. His twin brother, Esau, who Jacob stole from. His twin brother, Esau, who wants to kill Jacob. Jacob knows Esau is on his way with 400 men to meet Jacob. All night long Jacob alone wrestles with God and when finished, God gave Jacob a new name: Israel. It was an amazing experience between God and Jacob.

在创世记三十二章,雅各获得了了不起的胜利。在 神的帮助下,他胜过了与之争战多年的恐惧。创世记三十二章所写的正是雅各见双胞胎哥哥的前一个晚上发生的事,雅各曾偷了双胞胎哥哥以扫的祝福。双胞胎哥哥以扫想杀死雅各。雅各知道以扫正带着四百个人迎着他而来。整个晚上,雅各独自一人跟 神摔跤,结束后, 神给了雅各一个新名字:以色列。这是发生在 神和雅各之间的神奇经历。

Then the man said, “Your name will no longer be Jacob, but Israel, because you have struggled with God and with humans and have overcome.” Jacob said, “Please tell me your name.” But he replied, “Why do you ask my name?” Then he blessed him there. So Jacob called the place Peniel, saying, “It is because I saw God face to face, and yet my life was spared.”
Genesis‬ 32:28-30‬ NIV



Mountain-Top Experience

Maybe you have had an amazing experience like this in your life. During a church service, a worship event, spiritual retreat, prayer meeting or special conference, did you feel God speak directly to you? Maybe you felt He even changed you on the inside? What an amazing moment for God to spiritually work in your life. Maybe God spoke to you about your future, or gave you hope to face a trial. Maybe God even gave you a new name just like Jacob’s new name. We call this a mountain-top experience with God.

也许在生活中,你有过这样的神奇经历。在一场教堂礼拜、赞美会、属灵退修会、祷告会或特会期间,你有感觉到 神亲口对你说话吗?或许你感觉到 神甚至改变了内在的你?神在你生命中作属灵的工作,这是多么神奇的事啊。或许 神告诉了你未来会如何,或者给了你面对试炼的盼望,也许 神甚至给了你一个新名字,就像雅各的新名字一样。我们称这些经历是跟 神矗立巅峰的经历。

Remember when after the concert, after the church service, after the prayer meeting, after you went home and had to face the daily activities in your life, the hard things? What happened when you came down off of the mountain top?


Have you been able to “walk out” in your daily life the spiritual conversation God spoke to you? Did you stand on the promises of God? Did you use the gifts He gave you? Did you tell those people around you His message?

你是否在日常生活中行出了神与你属灵的交流?你是否坚守 神的应许?你是否发挥了 神给你的才干?你把 神的福音告诉了周围的人吗?

“In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead.”
James 2:17 NIV


雅各书 2:17

Let’s not just think about spiritual things – let’s do them. It is time to act!
我们不要只是思考属灵的事—— 而要行出来!现在就行动吧!

The Next Day

Verse one of Genesis 33 says:
创世记 三十三章的第一节经文说:

“Jacob looked up and there was Esau, coming with his four hundred men.”



After the amazing experience with God maybe Jacob hoped God would just make those 400 men disappear. Maybe Jacob hoped the problem would be gone. But this is not the case. Immediately after Jacob’s amazing time with God, Jacob has to face his huge problem. His biggest fear in life of facing his brother, Esau. But at this moment Jacob has a new name: Israel. Now it is time for Israel to walk out his new identity.

很神奇地经历 神之后,也许雅各希望 神让那四百个人消失,也许雅各希望难题没有了。但是这些并没有发生——就在雅各与神共度美好时刻过后,很快他不得不面对他的大难题。他生命中最怕的事就是面对哥哥以扫。但就在此刻,雅各有了一个新的名字:以色列。现在以色列要活出他的新身份了。

Jacob looked up and there was Esau, coming with his four hundred men; so he divided the children among Leah, Rachel and the two female servants. He put the female servants and their children in front, Leah and her children next, and Rachel and Joseph in the rear. He himself went on ahead and bowed down to the ground seven times as he approached his brother. But Esau ran to meet Jacob and embraced him; he threw his arms around his neck and kissed him. And they wept. Then Esau looked up and saw the women and children. “Who are these with you?” he asked. Jacob answered, “They are the children God has graciously given your servant.” Then the female servants and their children approached and bowed down. Next, Leah and her children came and bowed down. Last of all came Joseph and Rachel, and they too bowed down. Esau asked, “What’s the meaning of all these flocks and herds I met?” “To find favor in your eyes, my lord,” he said. But Esau said, “I already have plenty, my brother. Keep what you have for yourself.” “No, please!” said Jacob. “If I have found favor in your eyes, accept this gift from me. For to see your face is like seeing the face of God, now that you have received me favorably. Please accept the present that was brought to you, for God has been gracious to me and I have all I need.” And because Jacob insisted, Esau accepted it.
Genesis‬ 33:1-11‬ NIV



Jacob Moves to Action

Once Jacob sees Esau and the 400 men coming, Jacob moves into action. Jacob looks for a way to protect his family and at the same time he directly faces the challenge. This is a good husband and father. He is looking for ways to protect, but he is also not afraid to deal with the problem. He faces his biggest fear with humility. He bows down seven times. Remember Jacob has the birthright and the blessing. He is the #1 son. It is like he has become the older brother. And here we see him humbly bowing down to Esau.

一看到以扫和他的四百个人迎上来,雅各就行动起来。雅各找了一个方法保护他的家人,同时,他直面挑战。这是一个称职的丈夫和父亲。他在找保护的方法,同时也不害怕去解决问题。他谦虚地面对最怕的人,一连七次俯伏在地上。记住,雅各拥有长子的名分和祝福—— 他是长子,就好象他成了哥哥。在这里,我们看到他谦卑地向以扫跪拜。

Miracle Moment

Esau’s reaction is miraculous. He does not draw a sword or accuse. He could have called Jacob a thief and a liar and could have killed him immediately. But he did not. In this miraculous moment the brothers are reconciled. Esau hugs and kisses Jacob and they both weep. In this moment there is forgiveness and restoration. In this moment all of the fears and pain wash away. Jacob continues to be humble and gives glory to God for all of his flocks and his family.

以扫的反应真是个奇迹!他没有提起刀来,也没有指责雅各。他原本可以骂雅各是贼是骗子,也可以立刻杀了他。但是他没有这么做。在这个奇迹的时刻,两兄弟和好了。以扫将雅各抱住,与他亲嘴,两人放声大哭。这一刻有了宽恕与合好,所有的惧怕和痛苦都被冲刷掉了。雅各依然谦卑,将他所有的牲畜和家人都归荣耀给 神。

Jacob says, “Seeing your face is like seeing the face of God.” Jacob knew God had done this and the relief he felt was thanks to God.

雅各说,“我见了你的面,如同见了 神的面”。雅各知道, 神使奇迹发生,他为着自己得释放而感谢 神。

Have you ever received grace from someone the same way Jacob received grace from Esau? Have you ever been forgiven, reconciled and accepted once again?


Esau’s Invitation

“Then Esau said, “Let us be on our way; I’ll accompany you.” But Jacob said to him, “My lord knows that the children are tender and that I must care for the ewes and cows that are nursing their young. If they are driven hard just one day, all the animals will die. So let my lord go on ahead of his servant, while I move along slowly at the pace of the flocks and herds before me and the pace of the children, until I come to my lord in Seir.” Esau said, “Then let me leave some of my men with you.” “But why do that?” Jacob asked. “Just let me find favor in the eyes of my lord.” So that day Esau started on his way back to Seir. Jacob, however, went to Sukkoth, where he built a place for himself and made shelters for his livestock. That is why the place is called Sukkoth.”
Genesis‬ 33:12-17‬ NIV



At this point Esau invites Jacob to join him. Jacob does not go. Why? I am not sure. One reason could be cultural. Esau invited him as a polite gesture. But they both had many flocks and required land to handle all of the animals. Remember Abraham and Lot? They separated because they both needed so much land, their herdsmen were starting to quarrel. It just wasn’t possible for them to live near each other.


Another reason may be living near each other just wasn’t good for these brothers. The Bible says, “A brother is born for adversity.” These brothers had a lot of problems in the past. They are now reconciled. They have forgiven each other. But just because you forgive someone doesn’t mean you have to join with them and live with them again.


Jacob’s New Home

After Jacob came from Paddan Aram, he arrived safely at the city of Shechem in Canaan and camped within sight of the city. For a hundred pieces of silver, he bought from the sons of Hamor, the father of Shechem, the plot of ground where he pitched his tent. There he set up an altar and called it El Elohe Israel.
Genesis‬ 33:18-20‬ NIV



Finally Jacob comes to his new home near Shechem. Finally he has returned to his father’s homeland. Jacob does four important actions.


When Jacob purchases land he is acting out God’s promise to Abraham. This land will be theirs; he pitches his tent, he is here to stay. Jacob then builds an altar to God. This is the most significant action Jacob does. Jacob remembers he had made a promise to God and now he is keeping the promise.

当雅各买这块土地的时候,他行出了 神对亚伯拉罕的应许,这土地是他们的了;他搭帐篷,在那里住下。然后雅各为 神筑了一座坛,这是雅各做的最重要的事情。雅各记得自己向 神许了愿,现在他在还愿。

Jacob’s Promise

At the very beginning of Jacob’s journey he made some promises to God:
雅各刚开始旅程的时候,向 神许下了一些承诺:

“Then Jacob made a vow, saying, ‘If God will be with me and will watch over me on this journey I am taking and will give me food to eat and clothes to wear so that I return safely to my father’s household, then the Lord will be my God and this stone that I have set up as a pillar will be God’s house, and of all that you give me I will give you a tenth.’”
Genesis 28:20-22 NIV


“雅各许愿说:‘ 神若与我同在,在我所行的路上保佑我,又给我食物吃,衣服穿,使我平平安安地回到我父亲的家,我就必以耶和华为我的 神。我所立为柱子的石头也必作 神的殿,凡你所赐给我的,我必将十分之一献给你。’”

God Answered Jacob’s Prayer – And More.
神回应了雅各的祷告—— 不止于此

“Now to Him who is able to do immeasurable more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us, to Him be glory … ”
Ephesians 3:20-21 NIV


“ 神能照着运行在我们心里的大力充充足足的成就一切,超过我们所求所想的。但愿他在教会中,并在基督耶稣里,得着荣耀…”
以弗所书 3:20-21

Now Jacob is making a public proclamation. He built an altar and called it “THE GOD OF ISRAEL.” Jacob has publicly proclaimed Jehovah is his God. Jacob has also publicly proclaimed Jacob is a new man. He has a new name God has given him: ISRAEL. It is final. No turning back. Israel is a new man. Jehovah is his God. It is settled.

如今,雅各在公开宣告。他筑了一座坛,起名叫:“以色列的 神”。雅各公开宣告耶和华是他的 神,同时他也公开宣告雅各如今是个新人了—— 他有了 神给他的新名字:以色列。不再回头。以色列是一个新人,耶和华是他的 神。一切尘埃落定。

The Spiritual Victory and the Natural Victory

The night before the confrontation the spiritual victory was won. But in the day time when facing his brother and 400 men Jacob – now Israel – won the battle in the natural realm. After this he dedicated himself to God proclaiming he would always follow Him.

在较力的前一个晚上,属灵的得胜已经彰显了。但是,在白天,当面对哥哥和四百个男人时,雅各,就是现在的以色列在自然层面上赢得了胜利。此后,他把自己献给 神,宣称会一直跟随衪。

No Turning Back

Today we can do the same thing. When we come to Jesus, we ask Him to be with us, watch over us, protect us, give us what we need. We ask Him to heal us, forgive us. We give our lives to Him. And in turn He transforms us. We become His child with a new name: Forgiven, Accepted, Loved, Child of God, Worthy. And through baptism we publicly proclaim – I am His and He is mine. No turning back. From now on He is my God.

今天,我们也可以这样行。当我们来到耶稣面前,求祂与我们同在,看顾保守我们,赐给我们所需。我们求祂医治我们,赦免我们。我们把生命献给祂。并且,反过来,祂就更新改变我们。我们成为 神的孩子,有了一个新的名字:被赦免的,被接纳的,蒙爱的, 神的孩子,一切都值得。而且,通过洗礼,我们公开宣称—— 我属耶稣,耶稣属我。不再回头。从现在起,祂就是我的 神。

Part Three

  1. How to Find a Husband or Wife Genesis-Style || 如何寻找丈夫或妻子-创世记择偶指南
  2. Cherish our Birthright as Children of God || 珍惜作为 神儿女而拥有的长子权
  3. Got Challenges? || 面临挑战?
  4. Birthright and Blessing || 长子权与祝福
  5. Jacob’s Ladder || 雅各的梯子
  6. Work Diligently and Righteously || 勤勉而诚实地工作
  7. Family Competition || 家庭竞赛
  8. Facing Big Problems || 面对大难题
  9. Jacob Finally Overcomes Fear || 雅各终胜惧怕
  10. The Miracle Moment || 奇迹的时刻
  11. Dinah’s Story || 底拿的故事

Part Four

  1. Purify Yourself || 洁净自己
  2. Getting Positioned by God || 被 神定位
  3. An Uncomfortable Story || 一个让人不适的故事
  4. The Key to Success || 成功的关键
  5. Joseph and Jesus || 约瑟和耶稣
  6. The Big Moment || 重大时刻
  7. Famine and Fear || 饥荒和恐惧
  8. Back to Egypt || 回到埃及
  9. Mercy or Judgment? || 怜悯还是论断?
  10. The Big Reveal: MERCY || 大揭晓:怜悯
  11. God’s Big Plan || 神的大计划
  12. God’s Plans, God’s Promises, Our Work || 神的计划, 神的应许,我们的工作
  13. Future Generations || 后代
  14. The Past and the Future || 过去和未来
  15. Finally! Forgiveness and a Future Hope || 最后!饶恕和未来的希望