The Rescue Mission || 施行拯救的大使命

Jun 28, 2020 | Genesis Notes, Genesis Notes Part 2

Article #14 the series: You Are God’s Masterpiece: The Genesis Notes. 

你是神的工作: 《创世记手记》系列第十四篇


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Every day we have choices to move closer to Jesus, the Prince of Peace, or to move closer to the wicked things in this world. These choices, big and small, will affect your life more than you might realize. 


In Genesis chapter 13 Abram graciously ends a squabble between his nephew Lot’s herdsman and his own by suggesting he and Lot part ways. 
So Abram said to Lot, “Let’s not have any quarreling between you and me, or between your herders and mine, for we are close relatives. Is not the whole land before you? Let’s part company. If you go to the left, I’ll go to the right; if you go to the right, I’ll go to the left.”
Genesis‬ 13:8-9‬ NIV
创世记13:8-9‬‬ 和合本
Incredibly, the elder, Abram allows the younger, Lot to have his choice of the land. Lot makes the first in a series of bad decisions by choosing to move to the lush fertile land near Sodom and Gomorrah, cities known for their sinfulness. He just couldn’t resist that green land even though it meant surrounding himself with wicked people. 


Lot Is Swept Away 


Lot did not get much time to enjoy the green garden of his new home, Sodom, before disaster struck. He found himself in the middle of a 12-year conflict between different kings. War broke out and Lot was caught in the crossfire. Most of us probably don’t feel too much pity for Lot; he had chosen to live in a wicked land, and it looks like his decision had some immediate consequences. 
罗得还没来得及好好享受他在所多玛新家的碧绿园子,灾难就临到了。他发现自己身处于混战了 十二年的诸王之间。战争爆发后,战火也烧到了他的身上。我们大部分人可能不会同情罗得,因为是他自己选择住在这个邪恶的地方,一切似乎是他自作自受。
King Kedorlaomer had been the ruler of the region for 12 years with the backing of seven other kings. He ruled over nine other kings. After these 12 years, the nine oppressed kings could not take it anymore and they rebelled against Kedorlaomer and his team of kings. This was a bad move because Kedorlaomer was victorious. In the midst of all of this fighting, Lot and all of his possessions were taken captive and carried off since he was living in Sodom. 


We Need Abram!  


Someone escaped from the fighting and went to find a hero who could help them out of this big mess. He ran to Abram. Abram was up for the challenge and was going to do all he could to rescue his nephew, Lot. So he brought together 318 of his men and strategically divided them into two groups and won the battle. Abram got the job done, he recovered Lot, all of his household and all of the people. What a hero!


Lot at the Wrong Place at the Wrong Time 

罗得- 错误的地点,错误的时间

It seems Lot was at the wrong place at the wrong time. A simple mistake. Or was it? Lot had deliberately gone to live in Sodom, a place full of evil people. Lot’s poor judgment of joining up with wicked people resulted in putting himself in harm’s way. If Lot’s own poor choice – which was based on greed – led to his being mixed up in a war and captured, did he really deserve to be rescued? To Abram, Lot’s choices did not really matter. What mattered was Lot needed to be rescued and Abram was the one to rescue Lot. Abram used all of the resources he had and brilliantly won the battle against many kings. 


Two Kings 


After the battle was won Abram had two kings come to visit him: 
1.The King of Sodom
2.The King of Salem (Melchizedek)


King of Salem 


After Abram returned from defeating Kedorlaomer and the kings allied with him, the king of Sodom came out to meet him in the Valley of Shaveh (that is, the King’s Valley). Then Melchizedek king of Salem brought out bread and wine. He was priest of God Most High, and he blessed Abram, saying, “Blessed be Abram by God Most High, Creator of heaven and earth. And praise be to God Most High, who delivered your enemies into your hand.” Then Abram gave him a tenth of everything.
Genesis‬ 14:17-20‬ NIV
创世记14:17-20‬‬ 和合本
The King of Salem’s name was Melchizedek which is a Hebrew name meaning “King of Righteousness.” And the name Salem means “peace.” The city would eventually become Jerusalem. Who was this interesting King Melchizedek? He speaks about the Most High God and he makes it clear that he serves the greatest God, the God who created the whole world. Melchizedek points out  that the God Most High delivered Abram. Not Abram’s own strength and his amazing 318 men. This king is a bit of a mysterious figure in the Bible. He is mentioned several other times as a not just a king, but a priest of the Most High God. 
撒冷王名叫麦基洗德,这是一个希伯来名字,意为公义。撒冷的意思是平安。这座城就是后来的耶路撒冷。这位有趣的麦基洗德王又是谁呢?他提到了至高的 神并清楚地表明他服侍那位创造天地最伟 大的神。麦基洗德指出是至高的神把敌人交在亚伯兰手里,而不是凭亚伯兰自己的力量和他那三百一十八名勇士!这位王在圣经中带着一丝神秘,多次提到他却不仅以君王的身份,还有作为至高 神的祭司。
Let’s read the following Scriptures about King Melchizedek. 
“We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure. It enters the inner sanctuary behind the curtain, where our forerunner, Jesus, has entered on our behalf. He has become a high priest forever, in the order of Melchizedek.”
Hebrews 6:19-20 NIV
希伯来书16:19-20 和合本
“This Melchizedek was king of Salem and priest of God Most High. He met Abraham returning from the defeat of the kings and blessed him, and Abraham gave him a tenth of everything. First, the name Melchizedek means ‘king of righteousness;’ then also, ‘king of Salem’ means ‘king of peace.’ Without father or mother, without genealogy, without beginning of days or end of life, resembling the Son of God, he remains a priest forever. Just think how great he was: Even the patriarch Abraham gave him a tenth of the plunder!”
Hebrews 7:1-4 NIV
这麦基洗德就是撒冷王,又是至高 神的祭司,本是长远为祭司的。他当亚伯拉罕杀败诸王回来的时候,就迎接他,给他祝福。亚伯拉罕也将自己所得来的,取十分之一给他。他头一个名翻出来就是仁义王,他又名撒冷王,就是平安王的意思。他无父,无母,无族谱,无生之始,无命之终,乃是与 神的儿子相似。你们想一想,先祖亚伯拉罕将自己所掳来上等之物取十分之一给他,这人是何等尊贵呢。
希伯来书7:1-4 和合本

Blessing with Bread and Wine 


After the big rescue King Melchizedek brought out the bread and wine and Abram accepted it. What does this remind us of? Jesus of course. Jesus also presented bread and wine to his friends to eat. When Jesus did this, the bread represented His body which was broken and the wine represented His blood which was shed when He died on the cross. Jesus’ death on the cross was the biggest rescue of all time.  
Just like Lot we have found ourselves in a battle. Because of our sin we are captives of our enemy, Satan, and we need to be rescued.  

“For He has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son He loves, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.”
Colossians 1:13-14 NIV
歌罗西书 1:13-14
Like Lot we do not deserve to be rescued. But Jesus accomplished this incredible rescue. He rescued us from our sins and from the devil. And He has brought us into His Kingdom, into His family.
Unfortunately, there are people like Lot all around us. Some are people who are not yet believers and they need to be saved by Jesus. Others are Christians who in their poor judgment have found themselves trapped by sin or the distractions of this world. 
Has God ever used you like he used Abram to go on a rescue mission? If not, is there anyone in your life in need of rescue? Could God possibly be calling you to jump in the battle to help your friend or family member like God used Abram? 



What was Abram’s Response? 


After the big battle, after the daring rescue, after the blessing and bread and wine from King Melchizedek, Abram gave him 10% of the plunder. Immediately after this we see the King of Sodom enter the scene. 


King of Sodom


The King of Sodom was the king of wicked people. He saw what King Melchizedek had done for Abram and Abram’s response. Now the King of Sodom also wanted to give Abram something. 
The king of Sodom said to Abram, “Give me the people and keep the goods for yourself.” But Abram said to the king of Sodom, “With raised hand I have sworn an oath to the Lord, God Most High, Creator of heaven and earth, that I will accept nothing belonging to you, not even a thread or the strap of a sandal, so that you will never be able to say, ‘I made Abram rich.’ I will accept nothing but what my men have eaten and the share that belongs to the men who went with me—to Aner, Eshkol and Mamre. Let them have their share.”
Genesis‬ 14:21-24‬ NIV
创世记14:21-24‬‬ 和合本
But Abram would have nothing to do with the King of Sodom. He accepted Melchizedek’s bread, wine and blessing, but he would take none of the riches from Sodom. He even proclaimed this using the Most High God’s name. Abram gave Sodom everything else back. He drew a line indicating he wanted no connection with wickedness.
但亚伯兰不想领受他的半分东西!亚伯兰虽接受了麦基洗德的饼和酒以及祝福,却不会拿所多玛的一分一毫,他甚至指着至高 神起誓宣告,将属所多玛的一切都还回去了,以此划清界限,不愿与他们的败坏有任何联系。
The New Testament warns us to stay away from partnerships with people or groups who are living in darkness. This does not mean we do not associate with people who are not believers. On the contrary, we are to be the light in the darkness. But we should be careful not to enter into partnerships with those not following Jesus. We should be careful to not participate in evil activities of this world. 
Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness?
2 Corinthians 6:14 NIV
哥林多后书6:14 和合本

The Contrast of Kings


The King of Salem and the King of Sodom were examples of two completely different ways of life. We see a contrast between Melchizedek – serving the Most High God – and the King of Sodom serving the world. When Lot moved near to the King of Sodom the move almost cost Lot his life. If Abram had not rescued Lot, he would have been totally lost. When connected with the King of Salem, he received a blessing and foreshadow of the bread and wine that Jesus, the great rescuer, would share with us. 
撒冷王和所多玛王象征着两种截然不同的生活方式,我们看到他们两者之间的鲜明对比,麦基洗德服侍至高 神,而所多玛王是服侍这个世界。当罗得迁居到靠近所多玛王的地方时,他差点为此丧命。若不是亚伯兰救了他,他可能已一无所有了。与撒冷王相交时,收获的是祝福,以及预表着伟大的拯救者耶稣将与我们分享的饼和酒。
As Christians we have a choice. We can move near to the King of Sodom or we can move near to the King of Salem. We can be tempted to chase things in this world like Lot did. Money, power, pleasure, all short-term stuff. For the short-term, life might be great. Instant pleasure. But what about the long-term life?  In the long-term Lot lost it all. It was only out of Abram’s mercy and strength that Lot was saved.  
Let us turn to Jesus Christ, the one the King of Salem was pointing to. Let’s run after Him, let us give Him our lives. And when we find ourselves in need of rescue, let us call on His name and be saved. 

Part Three

  1. How to Find a Husband or Wife Genesis-Style || 如何寻找丈夫或妻子-创世记择偶指南
  2. Cherish our Birthright as Children of God || 珍惜作为 神儿女而拥有的长子权
  3. Got Challenges? || 面临挑战?
  4. Birthright and Blessing || 长子权与祝福
  5. Jacob’s Ladder || 雅各的梯子
  6. Work Diligently and Righteously || 勤勉而诚实地工作
  7. Family Competition || 家庭竞赛
  8. Facing Big Problems || 面对大难题
  9. Jacob Finally Overcomes Fear || 雅各终胜惧怕
  10. The Miracle Moment || 奇迹的时刻
  11. Dinah’s Story || 底拿的故事

Part Four

  1. Purify Yourself || 洁净自己
  2. Getting Positioned by God || 被 神定位
  3. An Uncomfortable Story || 一个让人不适的故事
  4. The Key to Success || 成功的关键
  5. Joseph and Jesus || 约瑟和耶稣
  6. The Big Moment || 重大时刻
  7. Famine and Fear || 饥荒和恐惧
  8. Back to Egypt || 回到埃及
  9. Mercy or Judgment? || 怜悯还是论断?
  10. The Big Reveal: MERCY || 大揭晓:怜悯
  11. God’s Big Plan || 神的大计划
  12. God’s Plans, God’s Promises, Our Work || 神的计划, 神的应许,我们的工作
  13. Future Generations || 后代
  14. The Past and the Future || 过去和未来
  15. Finally! Forgiveness and a Future Hope || 最后!饶恕和未来的希望