This Spiritual Waimai is a part of a series entitled Mission Accomplished: the mission of Jesus Christ as told by Matthew and now lived out by you and me.



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Would you consider your relationship with the Lord “sweet”?


Only once have I eaten a fig off of a tree. It was at the end of the second day trekking above the Tiger Leaping Gorge in Yunnan, China. We had hiked over 20km and some of it up steep inclines and along sharp rocky cliffs. It was rugged and breathtaking in more ways than one! The beauty of it all took my breath away but so did the steep incline and sheer drop offs! At the end of the second day we stayed at a local guide’s home who had lovely fruit trees in her garden. We were invited to join her in harvesting the in-season fruit. She was surprised to see the first fig of the season had perfectly ripened and was ready for picking. She gave me the honor of harvesting the lovely fruit. She assumed it was a blessing just for us.


The big round ripe fruit hanging on the tree looked completely different from the small brown wrinkly dried figs I normally eat from a bag. I thought, “Wow, so this is a fig!” I reached up high to grab the fruit – it was larger than an apple and soft, not hard. I grasped it gently and slightly turned it. It came right off the branch. We washed it and I wondered how to eat it. The generous lady said to just bite into it – like an apple. So I did! There I was in my hiking clothes, dusty from the day’s hike biting into the juiciest, sweetest, softest fruit packed full of tiny little crunchy seeds. It was absolutely amazing. Best fig of my life.


I thought about Jesus and the day He really wanted to eat a fig but found the tree empty of fruit. I could totally understand now why Jesus cursed that tree! He was really looking forward to one of those juicy, sweet figs.

我想到Ye Su有一天也非常想吃无花果,却发现无花果树上一个果子都没有。我现在终于完全理解祂为什么要咒诅那棵无花果树了。他当时一定非常想吃到甘美多汁的无花果。

Early in the morning, as Jesus was on his way back to the city, he was hungry. Seeing a fig tree by the road, he went up to it but found nothing on it except leaves. Then he said to it, “May you never bear fruit again!” Immediately the tree withered. When the disciples saw this, they were amazed. “How did the fig tree wither so quickly?” they asked. Jesus replied, “Truly I tell you, if you have faith and do not doubt, not only can you do what was done to the fig tree, but also you can say to this mountain, ‘Go, throw yourself into the sea,’ and it will be done. If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer.” Matthew 21:18-22 NIV

早晨回城的时候,他饿了。看见路旁有一棵无花果树,就走到跟前,在树上找不着什么,不过有叶子。就对树说,从今以后,你永不结果子。那无花果树就立刻枯干了。门徒看见了,便希奇说,无花果树怎么立刻枯干了呢?Ye Su回答说,我实在告诉你们,你们若有信心,不疑惑,不但能行无花果树上所行的事,就是对这座山说,你挪开此地,投在海里,也必成就。你们祷告,无论求什么,只要信,就必得着。马太福音21:18-22

If I was hungry in the morning walking to Jerusalem from Bethany, I would also want to find a delicious fig on the side of the path. I could imagine Jesus being disappointed that He didn’t get that juicy breakfast, but was it that bad that He had to curse the tree? Doesn’t that seem like a little bit of overkill? Maybe there is something else going on here in this story – not just Jesus’ stomach rumbling. Jesus was always intentional. So the cursing of the fig tree must have some deeper meaning. But what is so special about figs?

如果我早晨从伯大尼去耶路撒冷,饥肠辘辘。我也很想在路边找到可口的无花果。我可以想象Ye Su没有吃到那多汁的早餐是多么失望,但这会糟糕到让祂有必要去咒诅那棵树吗?这会不会显得有点过激了?也许这其中还有别的原因,不会只是因为Ye Su肚子饿了,要知道Ye Su的行为总是饱含深意的。所以咒诅这棵无花果树肯定还有更深层的含义。那无花果到底有什么特别之处呢?

Figs of the Bible

The Bible is filled with delicious figs. And that is always what they are – delicious.


  1. Figs represent the good gifts of the Promised Land

When the spies went out from Israel to scope out the Promised Land, figs were some of the prized produce they brought back to the camp to show the greatness of the land.


When they reached the Valley of Eshkol, they cut off a branch bearing a single cluster of grapes. Two of them carried it on a pole between them, along with some pomegranates and figs.
Numbers 13:23 NIV


他们到了以实各谷,从那里砍了葡萄树的一枝,上头有一挂葡萄,两个人用杠抬着,又带了些石榴和无花果来。 民数计 13:23

2. Figs represent safety and peaceful family life

When the Lord speaks of safety, prosperity and quiet family life, there often is a fig tree involved.

当Ye He Hua谈及安全、富足和宁静的家庭生活,常常会提到一棵无花果树。

During Solomon’s lifetime Judah and Israel, from Dan to Beersheba, lived in safety, everyone under their own vine and under their own fig tree. 1 Kings 4:25 NIV

所罗门在世的日子,从但到别是巴的犹大人和以色列人,都在自己的葡萄树下和无花果树下安然居住。 列王纪上 4:25

Everyone will sit under their own vine and under their own fig tree, and no one will make them afraid, for the Lord Almighty has spoken. Micah 4:4 NIV


3. Figs represent the love relationship between God and us

The early fruit of the fig tree describes the sweet relationship between the lover and the beloved in the Song of Songs, a love story describing the love God has for us, His bride.


The fig tree forms its early fruit; the blossoming vines spread their fragrance. Arise, come, my darling; my beautiful one, come with me. Song of songs 2:13 NIV

雅歌 2:13

4. Figs represent a life lived in fruitful service to the Lord

Jesus used figs to describe the good works seen in a fruitful life lived for the Lord.

Ye Su用无花果来描述为Shen而活的丰盛生命所做的善工。

“By their fruit you will recognize them. Do people pick grapes from thornbushes, or figs from thistles?”
Matthew 7:16 NIV

马太福音 7:16

5. A fig tree with no fruit represents a fruitless life

Jesus told a parable about what would happen to someone who had no fruit in their life. He really had no patience for a fruitless fig tree.

Ye Su用一个比喻来说明如果一个人的生命中没有结果子是什么后果。祂对不结果子的无花果树真的没有耐心。

Then he told this parable: “A man had a fig tree growing in his vineyard, and he went to look for fruit on it but did not find any. So he said to the man who took care of the vineyard, ‘For three years now I’ve been coming to look for fruit on this fig tree and haven’t found any. Cut it down! Why should it use up the soil?’ “ ‘Sir,’ the man replied, ‘leave it alone for one more year, and I’ll dig around it and fertilize it. If it bears fruit next year, fine! If not, then cut it down.’ ” Luke 13:6-9 NIV

于是用比喻说,一个人有一棵无花果树,栽在葡萄园里。他来到树前找果子,却找不着。就对管园的说,看哪,我这三年,来到这无花果树前找果子,竟找不着,把它砍了吧。何必白占地土呢?管园的说,主阿,今年且留着,等我周围掘开土,加上粪。以后若结果子便吧。不然再把它砍了。 路加福音 13:6-9

6. Ruined figs represent judgement

There are also warnings given that involve figs. Many judgements in the Bible include the destruction of figs.


“I will take away their harvest,” declares the Lord. “There will be no grapes on the vine. There will be no figs on the tree, and their leaves will wither. What I have given them will be taken from them.”
Jeremiah 8:13 NIV

耶和华说,我必使他们全然灭绝。葡萄树上必没有葡萄,无花果树上必没有果子,叶子也必枯干。我所赐给他们的,必离开他们过去。 耶利米书 8:13

What misery is mine! I am like one who gathers summer fruit at the gleaning of the vineyard; there is no cluster of grapes to eat, none of the early figs that I crave. Micah 7:1 NIV

哀哉,我(或指以色列)好像夏天的果子已被收尽,又像摘了葡萄所剩下的。没有一挂可吃的,我心羡慕初熟的无花果。 弥迦书 7:1

Adam and Eve used the leaves from the fig tree to cover themselves in their shame. Did they know judgement was coming?


Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they realized they were naked; so they sewed fig leaves together and made coverings for themselves. Genesis 3:7 NIV

创世纪 3:7

Figs represent a spiritually fruitful life that is lived in a loving relationship with God. The result is safety, peace and no fear. Destroyed figs represent a life is opposed to God and the result is judgment. A life with no spiritual fruit is like the fruitless fig tree that was just taking up space in the garden and was about to be chopped down.


I find it interesting that more often than not, the fig tree is paired with the grapevine. Did you notice that? I can’t help but think of the precious fruit of the grapevine – the wine that points us to the life-giving blood of Jesus. When our fig tree life grows up with the vine of Jesus, there is a beautiful completion. As in the Song of Songs, “The fig tree forms its early fruit; the blossoming vines spread their fragrance” (Song of Songs 2:13).

我发现一个有趣的事情,无花果树常常与葡萄树相提并论。你发现了吗?我不禁想到葡萄树所结的果子,而葡萄酒则向我们启示Ye Su为我们牺牲流出的宝血。当我们生命的无花果树成长起来与Ye Su的真葡萄树相连,美妙的结果就诞生了。正如雅歌所写“无花果树的果子渐渐成熟,葡萄树开花放香。”(雅歌 2:13)


What kind of sweetness is found in your relationship with the Lord?
