This article is a part of a series called “Spiritual Waimai Voices” where we welcome our friends to share some spiritual food with us in their own voice. This Spiritual Waimai was written and recorded by our friend Noah. This message is a part of a series entitled “The Father’s Heart” where Noah shares with us lessons he has learned about his Heavenly Father through his experiences raising his own two young children.
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Has God ever called you to follow or serve Him? How did you respond?
I am that type of Dad who loves to give my kids candies. One day, I came back home with some nice candies secretly tucked in my pocket. I decide to not tell my kids and rather give them a surprise later. It was time for dinner. I decided that I would call them to the dinner table and when they came, I would reward with the candies for their quick response to my beckoning of them.
So I called them, “Micah! Chasida! Come to the table for dinner please!” They were focused on watching cartoon and ignored me. I called to them again for dinner. Nobody responded. I called them a third time. No response. Finally I shouted “Come for dinner else I will set the 30 minute alarm!” In my family, we have a rule for dinner, if they don’t eat their dinner well, I will set an timer for 30 minutes. If they cannot finish their dinner before the alarm goes off, they will be in trouble. When they heard my threat of setting a 30 minute alarm, they jumped up and ran to the bathroom like the superhero Flash. They finally were quick to move, but because they didn’t obey me at the beginning, sadly, there would be no candy reward. They had no idea what they had lost – yummy candies that they love.
我以我喊他们,“Micah! Chasida! 来吃晚饭啦!” 他们那时在很专心的看动画片,没有理会我。我再一次喊了他们。没有回应。我第三次喊了他们。没有回应。最后,我喊道:“快来吃晚饭,要不然我就给你们设一个30分钟闹钟!” 如果他们在闹钟响之前没吃饭完饭的话,他们会有麻烦的。他们听到了我要设闹钟,然后就跳起来,跑到了洗手间洗手 – 那速度和闪电侠有得比!他们的动作是很快,但是因为最开始没有听我的话。很不幸,他们没有糖作为奖励。他们也不知道自己失去了什么 – 他们最爱吃的糖。
I probably don’t have to tell you that as a father it really doesn’t feel good when I call my kids and get no response. Especially when I have prepared a surprise for them.
Why doesn’t it feel good? Not because they have lost what I prepared for them. Not because I expected them to repay my generosity with their love. I know they still love and respect me. But at that moment it is clear that they love something else more than me.
At this moment sitting at the dinner table with the candies still in my pocket and my children next to me, God reminded me of the worship song: Hi Ne Ni. This Hebrew phrase is the title of a worship song. He Ne Ni means, “Here I am.”
这时,我和我的孩子同桌而坐,口袋里藏着糖。神用一首歌提醒了我 — 《Hi Ne Ni》。这首歌的名字使用的希伯来文,意思是“我在这里”。
In the Bible the Hebrew words Hi Ne Ni appeared many times as a response to God’s calling. When these great people answered God’s calling, God raised them up, blessed them, and used them to proclaim His Word. These people are Abraham, Jacob, Moses, Samuel, Isaiah and Ananias.
在圣经中,希伯来语“Hi Ne Ni”出现过很多次,是许多伟大人物回应神呼召时使用的。神兴起他们,祝福他们并且使用他们宣告祂的话语。这些人是亚伯拉罕、雅各、摩西、撒母耳、以赛亚还有亚拿尼亚。
Let’s read the stories of these great people answering God’s calling and see how they can inspire us to also say, Hi Ne Ni, Here I Am.
让我们来一起读一下这些伟人是如何回应神的,看看他们如何启发我们也对神说“Hi Ne Ni,我在这里”。
Abraham said, ‘Here I am” and became the father of many nations
Some time later God tested Abraham. He said to him, “Abraham!” “Here I am,” he replied. Then God said, “Take your son, your only son, whom you love – Isaac – and go to the region of Moriah. Sacrifice him there as a burnt offering on a mountain I will show you.”
(Gen 22:1-2 NIV)
这些事以后,神要试验亚伯拉罕,就呼叫他说:「亚伯拉罕!」他说:「我在这里。」 神说:「你带著你的儿子,就是你独生的儿子,你所爱的以撒,往摩利亚地去,在我所要指示你的山上,把他献为燔祭。」(创世记 22:1-2)
“I swear by myself, declares the LORD, that because you have done this and have not withheld your son, your only son, I will surely bless you and make your descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky and as the sand on the seashore. Your descendants will take possession of the cities of their enemies, and through your offspring all nations on earth will be blessed, because you have obeyed me.”
(Gen 22:16-18 NIV)
「耶和华说:『你既行了这事,不留下你的儿子,就是你独生的儿子,我便指著自己起誓说: 论福,我必赐大福给你;论子孙,我必叫你的子孙多起来,如同天上的星,海边的沙。你子孙必得著仇敌的城门, 并且地上万国都必因你的後裔得福,因为你听从了我的话。』」
(创世记 22:16-18)
Abraham was blessed with descendants who conquered their enemies and were a blessing to all of the nations of the earth. And it all started with Abraham’s reply, “Here I am.” What would have happened if Abraham hadn’t responded. Or worse, replied, “I am busy taking care of my only beloved son. Call me later.”
Jacob said, “Here I am” and became a great nation
The angel of God said to me in the dream, ‘Jacob.’ I answered, ‘Here I am.’ And he said, ‘Look up and see that all the male goats mating with the flock are streaked, speckled or spotted, for I have seen all that Laban has been doing to you. I am the God of Bethel, where you anointed a pillar and where you made a vow to me. Now leave this land at once and go back to your native land.'”
(Gen 31:11-13 NIV)
神的使者在那梦中呼叫我说:『雅各。』我说:『我在这里。』 他说:『你举目观看,跳母羊的公羊都是有纹的、有点的、有花斑的;凡拉班向你所做的,我都看见了。 我是伯特利的神;你在那里用油浇过柱子,向我许过愿。现今你起来,离开这地,回你本地去吧!』」(创世记 31:11-13)
Jacob left his uncle whom he worked for and took with him a great flock of the best sheep. When God called to Jacob he responded, “Here I am.” Can you imagine what would have happened if he ignored God or if he had said, “I am too busy with my work, I need to raise more spotted sheep.”?
Later in his life, God called again to Jacob.
And God spoke to Israel in a vision at night and said, “Jacob! Jacob!” “Here I am,” he replied. “I am God, the God of your father,” he said. “Do not be afraid to go down to Egypt, for I will make you into a great nation there.
(Gen 46:2-3 NIV)
夜间,神在异象中对以色列说:「雅各!雅各!」他说:「我在这里。」 神说:「我是神,就是你父亲的神。你下埃及去不要害怕,因为我必使你在那里成为大族。(创世记 46:2-3)
Because Jacob responded “Here I am” to God, the family of Israel survived famine by going to Egypt. What if he had not replied to God or said, “I am good to stay in the land you gave me, I don’t need to go to Egypt.”?
Moses said, “Here I am” and rescued the Hebrews from slavery in Egypt
When the LORD saw that he had gone over to look, God called to him from within the bush, “Moses! Moses!” And Moses said, “Here I am.” “Do not come any closer,” God said. “Take off your sandals, for the place where you are standing is holy ground…And now the cry of the Israelites has reached me, and I have seen the way the Egyptians are oppressing them. So now, go. I am sending you to Pharaoh to bring my people the Israelites out of Egypt.”
(Exo 3:4-5, 9-10NIV)
耶和华 神见他过去要看,就从荆棘里呼叫说:「摩西!摩西!」他说:「我在这里。」 神说:「不要近前来。当把你脚上的鞋脱下来,因为你所站之地是圣地」;现在以色列人的哀声达到我耳中,我也看见埃及人怎样欺压他们。 故此,我要打发你去见法老,使你可以将我的百姓以色列人从埃及领出来。」
(出埃及记 3:4-5, 9-10)
Israel was rescued out of slavery because Moses responded to God. And Moses became a great leader bringing the Law and leading the people of Israel to the Promised Land. What if Moses had run away from that burning bush or said, “I have finally found a peaceful place where on one wants to kill me. I have a wife and a wealthy father. My life is perfect, please don’t bother me.” ?
Samuel said, “Here I am” and became a mighty prophet who anointed the first two kings of Israel
Then the LORD called Samuel. Samuel answered, “Here I am.” …The Lord came and stood there, calling as at the other times, “Samuel! Samuel!” Then Samuel said, “Speak, for your servant is listening.” And the Lord said to Samuel: “See, I am about to do something in Israel that will make the ears of everyone who hears about it tingle.” … The LORD was with Samuel as he grew up, and he let none of Samuel’s words fall to the ground. 1 Samuel 3:4, 10-11, 19 NIV
耶和华呼唤撒母耳。撒母耳说:「我在这里!」…耶和华又来站著,像前三次呼唤说:「撒母耳啊!撒母耳啊!」撒母耳回答说:「请说,仆人敬听!」 耶和华对撒母耳说:「我在以色列中必行一件事,叫听见的人都必耳鸣。…撒母耳长大了,耶和华与他同在,使他所说的话一句都不落空。
(撒母耳记上 3:4, 10-11,19)
Samuel was chosen by God to be a prophet, but first he had to answer, “Here I am.” Samuel’s response to God led him to become a powerful prophet who anointed both Saul and David as king. What if Samuel had said, “I have a great job serving the famous priest Eli in the temple, I am busy serving God, please call someone else.”?
Isaiah said, “Here I am and saw the Lord in a vision on His throne and prophesied the coming Messiah
Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” And I said, “Here am I. Send me!” He said, “Go and tell this people: “‘Be ever hearing, but never understanding; be ever seeing, but never perceiving.” Isaiah 6:8-9 NIV
我又听见主的声音说:「我可以差遣谁呢?谁肯为我们去呢?」我说:「我在这里,请差遣我!」 他说:「你去告诉这百姓说:你们听是要听见,却不明白;看是要看见,却不晓得。(以赛亚书 6:8-9)
Isaiah was chosen to be a great prophet. He prophesied the coming of the Messiah. What if Isaiah had kept silence or replied “Please send someone else to proclaim this hard message.”?
Ananias said, “Here I am” and shared the gospel with Saul who became the Apostle Paul who brought the good news to the nations and wrote the majority of the New Testament
In Damascus there was a disciple named Ananias. The Lord called to him in a vision, “Ananias!” “Yes, Lord,” he answered. The Lord told him, “Go to the house of Judas on Straight Street and ask for a man from Tarsus named Saul, for he is praying. In a vision he has seen a man named Ananias come and place his hands on him to restore his sight.” Acts 9:10-12 NIV
当下,在大马色有一个门徒,名叫亚拿尼亚。主在异象中对他说:「亚拿尼亚。」他说:「主,我在这里。」 主对他说:「起来!往直街去,在犹大的家里,访问一个大数人,名叫扫罗。他正祷告, 又看见了一个人,名叫亚拿尼亚,进来按手在他身上,叫他能看见。」
(使徒行传 9:10-12)
It was Ananias who received Paul and prayed for him. After that meeting, Paul was able to meet other Christians and be baptized and go on to become the great Apostle bringing the message of Christ to the surrounding nations and writing letters that became the great teachings we still read today in the New Testament. What if Ananias hadn’t replied to God or rather said, “You know that this Pharisee has a reputation of putting people like me in jail! Why would I want to visit him/ No thank you.”
Would you say, “Here I am”?
Each of these people laid down their own lives, families, cariers, safety, homeland and comfort when they responded “Here I am” to God. What was the result? God blessed them greatly and raised them up to do mighty things in His name. If God told you that He would give you a great reward such as a nation of people, would you leave your comfortable home and respond, “Here I am”? You might be willing to leave everything behind knowing that God was giving you something greater. But what if God didn’t tell you what you would receive by following His call? What if you had no idea what the result would be. Would you still say, “Here I am”? Or would you ignore Him or hide from Him.
The man who hid from God
But the LORD God called to the man, “Where are you?” He answered, “I heard you in the garden, and I was afraid because I was naked; so I hid.” Genesis 3:9-10 NIV
耶和华 神呼唤那人,对他说:「你在那里?」 他说:「我在园中听见你的声音,我就害怕;因为我赤身露体,我便藏了。」
(创世记 3:9-10)
Why did Adam ignore and hide from God? It was his sin. Why are we afraid to answer God’s call? Could it possibly be sin in our lives that compels us to hide from God?
Brothers and sister, has God called you? Have you ever experienced God calling you to do something? Maybe it is calling you into deeper study of the Bible, more committed prayer, joining a worship team or serving in your fellowship. Did you answer His call? Or did you ignore it because you were too busy or tired from work. Or maybe you were shy or too busy with your own pleasures. So you ignored the sense of God calling. I’ve done that before. But God has taught me that if I obey Him, I will receive great blessings.
As God has called me to serve in my fellowship, I have gained so much. I’ve met great people, I’ve learned to step out of my comfort zone. I’ve learned how to teach kids, lead worship, serve as a translator and how to make people feel welcomed.
Getting back to my story of my children watching the cartoon. Will you be the boy or girl who is willing to pause the cartoon and respond to the Father, ‘Hi Ne Ni, here I am”?
再来说我孩子看卡通的故事,你愿成为那个停下看动画片回应父亲“Hi Ne Ni我在这里”的小孩吗?