Work Diligently and Righteously || 勤勉而诚实地工作

Aug 21, 2020 | Genesis Notes, Genesis Notes Part 3

Article #29 the series: You Are God’s Masterpiece: The Genesis Notes. 


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Your family life and work life are important to God, have you asked Him to guide you in these areas of your life?

Jacob’s First Stop in Harran: The Well

After Jacob’s amazing dream of the ladder he continues on his journey and the next stop is the well at Harran. A well is like a biblical gas station. You get refueled there. You get water for your animals and yourself. Plus, this is where you can meet people, sometimes the right person.

雅各做了神奇的天梯梦之后,他继续往前走,下一站是哈兰的井边。水井就像圣经里的加油站,你可以在那儿加油,为自己和牲畜打水。而且,你会在那里遇到一些人—— 有时是那个为你预备的人。

Then Jacob continued on his journey and came to the land of the eastern peoples. There he saw a well in the open country, with three flocks of sheep lying near it because the flocks were watered from that well. The stone over the mouth of the well was large. When all the flocks were gathered there, the shepherds would roll the stone away from the well’s mouth and water the sheep. Then they would return the stone to its place over the mouth of the well. Jacob asked the shepherds, “My brothers, where are you from?” “We’re from Harran,” they replied. He said to them, “Do you know Laban, Nahor’s grandson?” “Yes, we know him,” they answered. Then Jacob asked them, “Is he well?” “Yes, he is,” they said, “and here comes his daughter Rachel with the sheep.” “Look,” he said, “the sun is still high; it is not time for the flocks to be gathered. Water the sheep and take them back to pasture.” “We can’t,” they replied, “until all the flocks are gathered and the stone has been rolled away from the mouth of the well. Then we will water the sheep.” While he was still talking with them, Rachel came with her father’s sheep, for she was a shepherd. When Jacob saw Rachel daughter of his uncle Laban, and Laban’s sheep, he went over and rolled the stone away from the mouth of the well and watered his uncle’s sheep. Then Jacob kissed Rachel and began to weep aloud. He had told Rachel that he was a relative of her father and a son of Rebekah. So she ran and told her father.
Genesis‬ 29:1-12‬ NIV



When Jacob arrives at the well he sees three flocks of sheep waiting. Jacob knows how to shepherd and he puts his expertise in action. He knows the sheep shouldn’t be there at the hottest time of the day. The shepherds are acting lazy not wanting to do their work of watering the sheep. So Jacob gets to work, especially when he sees beautiful Rachel and realized she is his relative.


Moved To Action

Jacob is moved to action and service. He is passionate, works hard, he kisses Rachel and weeps. He openly shows her his affections and she responds; she runs to get her family. She runs!

雅各开始行动和服侍。他充满激情,努力工作,与拉结亲嘴,放声而哭。他公开地向拉结表达自己的喜爱之情,而拉结也作出了回应—— 她跑去告诉家人,她飞快地跑回去的!

Here is an encouragement for our Christian brothers. If you are interested in a woman, don’t be afraid to show your emotions. Serve her, honor her, let her know you care. When a man serves, honors and shows interest in a woman he often becomes very attractive to the woman. In Jacob’s case Rachel instantly responded. She went to tell her family about this amazing guy, Jacob.

这是对基督徒弟兄们的一个鼓励,如果你对一个女生感兴趣的话,别害怕表达出来,服侍她,尊荣她,让她知道你在乎她。当一个男人服侍、尊荣一个女生,向她表现出兴趣时,通常这个女生会觉得他很有魅力。对于雅各,拉结立即作出了回应—— 她跑回去,将这个了不起的年轻人雅各告诉了家人。

As soon as Laban heard the news about Jacob, his sister’s son, he hurried to meet him. He embraced him and kissed him and brought him to his home, and there Jacob told him all these things. Then Laban said to him, “You are my own flesh and blood.” After Jacob had stayed with him for a whole month, Laban said to him, “Just because you are a relative of mine, should you work for me for nothing? Tell me what your wages should be.” Now Laban had two daughters; the name of the older was Leah, and the name of the younger was Rachel. Leah had weak eyes, but Rachel had a lovely figure and was beautiful. Jacob was in love with Rachel and said, “I’ll work for you seven years in return for your younger daughter Rachel.” Laban said, “It’s better that I give her to you than to some other man. Stay here with me.” So Jacob served seven years to get Rachel, but they seemed like only a few days to him because of his love for her.
Genesis‬ 29:13-20‬ NIV



Work Life

As soon as Jacob comes to Laban’s home Jacob starts to work. He doesn’t just enjoy being a guest in his uncle’s home. Jacob immediately works. He doesn’t ask for anything, but he works diligently for Laban for one month and Laban notices this guy is a good worker. He wants to keep Jacob around.


Laban offers Jacob a salary. In the meantime, Jacob has fallen in love with Rachel. He offers to work for seven years for Rachel.


Then Jacob said to Laban, “Give me my wife. My time is completed, and I want to make love to her.” So Laban brought together all the people of the place and gave a feast. But when evening came, he took his daughter Leah and brought her to Jacob, and Jacob made love to her. And Laban gave his servant Zilpah to his daughter as her attendant. When morning came, there was Leah! So Jacob said to Laban, “What is this you have done to me? I served you for Rachel, didn’t I? Why have you deceived me?” Laban replied, “It is not our custom here to give the younger daughter in marriage before the older one. Finish this daughter’s bridal week; then we will give you the younger one also, in return for another seven years of work.” And Jacob did so. He finished the week with Leah, and then Laban gave him his daughter Rachel to be his wife. Laban gave his servant Bilhah to his daughter Rachel as her attendant. Jacob made love to Rachel also, and his love for Rachel was greater than his love for Leah. And he worked for Laban another seven years.
Genesis‬ 29:21-30‬ NIV


创世记 29:21-30

Family Deception

On their wedding night Laban does something tricky. Somehow he sneaks Leah into Jacob’s tent instead of Rachel. (What was Rachel doing at this moment? Apparently the women had no opportunity to speak up.) In the morning when Jacob realized she was Leah, not Rachel, he said: “Laban, why did you deceive me?” Let’s stop for a moment and consider: does this story sound familiar? Was there another time when one sibling took the place of another? Sounds like Jacob is reaping what he has sown.

在他们婚礼之夜,拉班行了诡诈的事,他悄悄地把利亚而不是拉结送入雅各的帐篷。(拉结当时在做什么呢?显然这个女人没机会发言。)到了早晨,雅各发现是利亚而不是拉结,他说:“拉班,你为什么欺哄我呢?” 让我们停下来想一想:这个故事是不是听起来很耳熟?是不是曾经发生过李代桃僵的事?听起来像是雅各自食其果。

Years have passed. Do you think Jacob ever thinks about the day he deceived his father by dressing up as his brother, Esau, and taking the blessing? At the time it really didn’t seem it was fair what Jacob did to Esau. Now we see Jacob is paying a price. Someone did the same thing to Jacob and he was deceived.


Rebekah and Laban – brother and sister – both have depended on deception to get something they wanted. Deception may seem to work in the moment. But in the end the truth will come to light or the deceiver will reap what they sow.


Reaping and Sowing

We have a choice of what kinds of seeds we want to plant in our lives. Jacob, with his mother’s help, planted seeds of deception in his life. Years later he reaped deception from his uncle, his mother’s brother. In a strangely similar way he was deceived by his own family.


The Bible teaches us there is a law of sowing and reaping. If you put an apple seed in the ground you will get an apple tree. If you plant seeds of righteousness in your heart you will reap righteousness.


“Whoever sows to please their flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; whoever sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life. Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers. “
Galatians 6:8-10 NIV



“Peacemakers who sow in peace reap a harvest of righteousness.”
James 3:18 NIV


雅各书 3:18

Can you think of a time when you saw this biblical principle at work in your life or in the life of others? You or another person sowed something sinful and the sinful seed grew into a big problem? Or maybe the opposite has happened to you or another person. You sowed a seed of righteousness, you did something right and good, and the little seed grew into something beautiful? Do not give up doing good for the Lord, there will be a harvest of righteousness.


We reap what we sow. Consider your life, your work life, personal life, spiritual life. What kind of seeds are you sowing? What you have sown is what you will eventually find growing in your life.


Natural Consequence of Sin

Sin has consequence. We are grateful Jesus Christ has forgiven us of our sins. Sometimes there are natural consequence we also have to face. A person who was addicted to alcohol can be set free of the addiction and forgiven by God, but their physical body might have permanent damage. This is a natural consequence and follows the laws of reaping and sowing.

罪会带来后果。我们很感恩耶稣基督已经赦免了我们的罪,有时我们也必须要面对自然的结果。一个人曾经酗酒, 神会使他从酒瘾中得释放,被神赦免,但是他的肉体有可能已遭到永久损伤。这是自然的结果,也就是遵从种什么得什么的法则。

We see Jacob has to live with the consequences of his deception, but he is able to move forward. He agrees with Laban to work another seven years so he can have Rachel as his second wife.


Leah vs Rachel

When the Lord saw that Leah was not loved, he enabled her to conceive, but Rachel remained childless. Leah became pregnant and gave birth to a son. She named him Reuben, for she said, “It is because the Lord has seen my misery. Surely my husband will love me now.” She conceived again, and when she gave birth to a son she said, “Because the Lord heard that I am not loved, he gave me this one too.” So she named him Simeon. Again she conceived, and when she gave birth to a son she said, “Now at last my husband will become attached to me, because I have borne him three sons.” So he was named Levi. She conceived again, and when she gave birth to a son she said, “This time I will praise the Lord.” So she named him Judah. Then she stopped having children.
Genesis‬ 29:31-35‬ NIV



In the meantime, how are Leah and Rachel doing? The sisters have now become rivals in a competition to see who can have more children. Leah has four sons, Rachel has no children. The results of the family deception are now affecting the two women – two wives. It is not God’s plan for a man to have two wives. There is a lot of pain in this situation. Having two wives might seem like an Old Testament situation, but in modern times this also happens. It happens when men and women have affairs. It happens when there is divorce and remarriage. This is not God’s plan and is painful. A divorced person can be forgiven by God and can in the future have a healthy Christian relationship with someone, but there will always be pain. It is not God’s plan. God’s plan is for one man and one woman to be married.

与此同时,利亚和拉结怎么样了呢?两姐妹现在成了竞争对手,看谁生的孩子多。利亚有四个儿子,拉结没有孩子。家人欺哄的结果影响到了这两个女子——两个妻子。一个男人娶两个妻子并不是神的计划,这种情况会造成很多痛苦。似乎只在旧约时代才有娶两个妻子的事情,但是在现代,这种事依然在发生。当男人和女人有外遇时,当离婚与再婚时,就会发生这种情况——这都不是 神的原意,这些事 实在让人痛苦。一个离了婚的人可能被 神饶恕,也可能在将来跟某人有健康的属灵关系,痛苦却是不可避免的。这些都不是 神的原意, 神的原意是一个男人和一个女人结婚。

Jacob’s Work Ethic

But let’s finish with Jacob. We see Jacob is a hard worker, he has a strong work ethic. He is diligent and we will find out in chapter 30 despite his family problems, Jacob is an excellent worker and God rewards him. The Bible says working hard is a good practice. We should work hard in our jobs and we should also work hard for God’s Kingdom.

让我们最后来看雅各——雅各工作很努力,他有很强的职业道德观念。他是个很勤奋的人,而且在三十章我们可以看到,即使面临着家庭矛盾,他依然是个杰出的工人,并且得到了 神的奖赏。圣经告诉我们,努力工作是件好事,我们应该在工作中勤奋努力,也应该为 神的国度努力工作。

The Bible says it is good to work hard in our work and family life.


“She sets about her work vigorously; her arms are strong for her tasks.”
Proverbs 31:17 NIV



“All hard work brings a profit, but mere talk leads only to poverty.”
Proverbs 14:23 NIV


箴言 14:23

In God’s Kingdom we should also work diligently. Jesus worked hard doing exactly what His Father told Him:

在 神的国度里,我们也应该殷勤作工。耶稣曾经遵照天父所吩咐的努力作工。

“I have brought You glory on earth by finishing the work You gave Me to do.”
John 17:4 NIV


约翰福音 17:4

And Jesus encourages us to do God’s work now while we can.

耶稣鼓励我们趁现在能做工的时候赶紧做 神的工!

“As long as it is day, we must do the works of Him who sent Me. Night is coming, when no one can work.”
John 9:4 NIV


约翰福音 9:4

Work Hard at Whatever God Puts in Your Hand
不管 神把什么交给你,都要努力去作

Whatever God puts in your hand, do it with all of your energy. Don’t do a half-hearted job. Do it with all of your ability. There were two years in my adult life when I wasn’t sure where God was leading me. I had quit my job to work in Romania at an orphanage. But the director of the orphanage did not have anything for me to do. So I had to make a decision. Would I just relax and take it easy? I knew God was my big boss. So every day I determined to work at least eight hours. I would look for work to do around the orphanage and I worked to the best of my ability even though no one cared what I was doing. I washed dishes, I helped butcher a pig, I taught violin lessons and I fasted and prayed for the children. I would say to the Lord, “Whatever You put in my hand to do, I will do it with my whole heart.” I had no important job, no boss, no title. I was a nobody. But I wanted to serve my Lord.

不管 神把什么交给你,都要用尽全力去做。不要三心二意,而是尽你的全部能力去做。长大后,曾经有两年我不知道 神要带领我去哪里。我那时已经辞掉原来的工作,去到罗马尼亚一个孤儿院工作。但是孤儿院的院长并没有让我去做什么事情,所以我得自己做决定。难道我就这样放松自己,随便混日子吗?我知道 神是我的大老板,所以我决定每天至少工作8个小时。我要在整个孤儿院里找事情做,而且尽我全部的能力去做,即使没有人在意我在做什么。我洗盘子,帮忙宰杀一头猪,教小提琴课,并且为孩子们禁食祷告。我要对 主说,“不管你让我做什么,我要全心全意去做”。我没有什么重要的工作, 没有老板,没有头衔,我无足轻重,但我要服侍我的主。

Then I moved back to the United States. I still had no job. I lived with my parents and looked for anything God would put in my hand to do. My church asked me to start a Saturday program for children and I also led a Monday night program. They were very small programs, but I determined to work hard. I had no business card, no impressive job. But I continued wanting to work hard and not become lazy. I worked and prayed. I served my family and was able to be with my Grandmother for the last year of her life.

之后,我搬回美国,依然没有工作。我当时跟父母住在一起,寻找那些 神要交给我的事情来做。我的教会让我为孩子们组织一个星期六的事工,我当时也在带领一个周一晚上的团契。这两个都是很小的事工,但是我决定努力做这些工作。我没有名片,没有令人印象深刻的工作,但是我仍然要努力工作,不懈怠。我边工作,边祷告,边服侍家人,而且能够陪伴我的祖母度过她人生的最后一年。

The Joy of Service

The good news is God does not require us to be good workers to be his children. It is opposite. First He loves us, He forgives us and welcomes us into His family. And then He gives us a special opportunity: to come alongside Him and do what Jesus does; do the work of the Father. This is an incredible privilege. As we work alongside Him, we will be blessed. We will reap a harvest of blessings. Such a joy to serve with Jesus!

好消息是 神并没有要求我们成为好工人才能做祂的儿女。相反,祂先爱了我们,赦免了我们,邀请我们加入祂的家庭。然后祂给了我们一个特别的机会—— 跟祂并肩同行,做耶稣做的工——做天父的工。这是一个不可思议的特权。当我们与 神同工时,我们将蒙受祝福!我们会收获祝福!这就是服侍 耶稣的喜乐!

Part Three

  1. How to Find a Husband or Wife Genesis-Style || 如何寻找丈夫或妻子-创世记择偶指南
  2. Cherish our Birthright as Children of God || 珍惜作为 神儿女而拥有的长子权
  3. Got Challenges? || 面临挑战?
  4. Birthright and Blessing || 长子权与祝福
  5. Jacob’s Ladder || 雅各的梯子
  6. Work Diligently and Righteously || 勤勉而诚实地工作
  7. Family Competition || 家庭竞赛
  8. Facing Big Problems || 面对大难题
  9. Jacob Finally Overcomes Fear || 雅各终胜惧怕
  10. The Miracle Moment || 奇迹的时刻
  11. Dinah’s Story || 底拿的故事

Part Four

  1. Purify Yourself || 洁净自己
  2. Getting Positioned by God || 被 神定位
  3. An Uncomfortable Story || 一个让人不适的故事
  4. The Key to Success || 成功的关键
  5. Joseph and Jesus || 约瑟和耶稣
  6. The Big Moment || 重大时刻
  7. Famine and Fear || 饥荒和恐惧
  8. Back to Egypt || 回到埃及
  9. Mercy or Judgment? || 怜悯还是论断?
  10. The Big Reveal: MERCY || 大揭晓:怜悯
  11. God’s Big Plan || 神的大计划
  12. God’s Plans, God’s Promises, Our Work || 神的计划, 神的应许,我们的工作
  13. Future Generations || 后代
  14. The Past and the Future || 过去和未来
  15. Finally! Forgiveness and a Future Hope || 最后!饶恕和未来的希望