This Spiritual Waimai is a part of a series entitled Mission Accomplished: the mission of Jesus Christ as told by Matthew and now lived out by you and me.



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Will you join the mission?



What if your boss asked you to join a massive project that would require a commitment of your entire career. The boss would be with you every step of the way and show you exactly what to do. It would be difficult, but it was guaranteed to be a success and would change the world. But there would be one catch – your name would not be on it. No one would know who you were. What information would you have to know before you agreed to the proposal? What would you require from your boss before saying yes? Would you take the invitation to join the project?

假如你的老板让你加入一个大型项目,需要投入自己整个职业生涯,你会怎么办呢? 老板会全程陪伴你,告诉你该做什么。项目很困难,但保证会取得成功,并将改变世界。但也会有一个问题——你的名字不会出现在里面。没有人会知道你是谁。在你接受这个提议之前,你需要了解哪些信息?在答应你的老板之前,你对他有什么要求?你会接受他的邀请加入这个项目吗?

After Jesus’ resurrection, He sent a message to His disciples. He was getting ready to invite them into a world-changing mission and wanted to talk with them about it in a place they all knew and loved: the mountains of Galilee. The women had already showed up at the tomb and were honored with the privilege of being the first to see the Risen Lord Jesus. Now He sent these empowered women to find the men and pass them an important invitation.

Ye Su复活后,祂向祂的门徒发出一个信息。祂正准备邀请他们参与一项改变世界的使命,并且想在一个他们都熟悉和喜爱的地方跟他们谈这件事:加利利山。妇女们已经去到坟墓前,她们有幸成为最先见到复活后的主Ye Su的人。这些妇女现在充满力量,主耶稣派她们去找门徒,传递给他们一个重要的邀请。

Invited into a massive project

So the women hurried away from the tomb, afraid yet filled with joy, and ran to tell his disciples. Suddenly Jesus met them. “Greetings,” he said. They came to him, clasped his feet and worshiped him. Then Jesus said to them, “Do not be afraid. Go and tell my brothers to go to Galilee; there they will see me.”
Matthew 28:8-10 NIV


妇女们就急忙离开坟墓,又害怕,又大大地欢喜,跑去要报给祂的门徒。忽然,Ye Su遇见她们,说:“愿你们平安!” 她们就上前抱住祂的脚拜祂。Ye Su对她们说:“不要害怕!你们去告诉我的弟兄,叫他们往加利利去,在那里必见我”。
马太福音 28:8-10

Then the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain where Jesus had told them to go. When they saw him, they worshiped him; but some doubted.
Matthew 28:16-17 NIV


十一个门徒往加利利去,到了Ye Su约定的山上。他们见了Ye Su就拜祂,然而还有人疑惑。
马太福音 28:16-17

The eleven disciples responded to the invitation and made it to the mountain. Good job guys, high-fives all around – you showed up! First step is always showing up. If you don’t show up, you just might miss the mission of a lifetime.


Worship or doubt?

When they stood around their risen Lord and looked at Him face to face, what did they do? Plain and simple: they worshiped Him. The next step after showing up is worship. Exalting Jesus as the Lord of your life. Submitting yourself to His kingship. Seek first the Kingdom of God and everything else will fall into its God-ordained place.

他们站在复活的主面前,面对面地看着祂,他们都做了什么?简单明了:敬拜祂。加入之后的下一步就是敬拜。高举Ye Su为你生命的主。顺服祂的王权。先寻求Shen的国,其他一切都会归到Shen所指定的位置。

At that moment as they gathered around Jesus in a familiar place to meet with Him and worship, some doubted. It is presumed that the “some” of “some doubted” are some of the eleven. How is this possible? They had followed Him for three years. Heard His predictions about His death and resurrection. Seen His death and now they were standing before Him. Face to face. Yet they doubted? It is hard for me to imagine. But maybe the trauma of the recent days – Jesus’ arrest, trial, beating, crucifixion and death had just been far too overwhelming. Or maybe they just lacked faith.

在那一刻,他们聚集在一个熟悉的地方,见到Ye Su并敬拜祂,有些人怀疑了。据推测,“一些怀疑的人”中的那“一些人”就出自这十一个门徒。这怎么可能呢? 他们已经跟随Ye Su三年了。听过祂预言过自己的死亡和复活。他们看到过祂的死,现在就站在祂的面前。面对面。他们还怀疑吗? 我很难想象。但也许是最近几天的创伤——Ye Su被捕、审判、鞭打、被钉在十字架上和死亡,实在是太沉重了。或许他们只是缺乏信心。

Hope for doubters

The good news is that Jesus is patient with doubters. Once a father brought his demon-possessed boy to Jesus. The man took the first step and showed up – he came to Jesus. But he still doubted.

好消息是Ye Su对怀疑的人是很有耐心的。从前,一位父亲曾带着他被鬼附着的儿子来见Ye Su。那人迈出了第一步,行动起来——他来到Ye Su面前。但他仍然怀疑。

“It has often thrown him into fire or water to kill him. But if you can do anything, take pity on us and help us.” “If you can’?” said Jesus. “Everything is possible for one who believes.” Immediately the boy’s father exclaimed, “I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!”
Mark 9:22-24 NIV


“鬼屡次把他扔在火里、水里,要灭他。祢若能做什么,求祢怜悯我们,帮助我们。” Ye Su对他说:“你若能信,在信的人,凡事都能。” 孩子的父亲立时喊着说(有古卷作立时流泪的喊着说):“我信!但我信不足,求主帮助。”
马可福音 9:22-24

The result – a boy who was set free and healed by Jesus and a father who believed.


Just after His resurrection one of the disciples, Thomas, also had a hard time believing. His moment of doubt earned him the unfortunate nickname that he is still known by: “Thomas the Doubter.”

在Ye Su复活之后,他的一个门徒,多马,也很难相信。他的怀疑至今都为他赢得了一个不幸的绰号:“怀疑者多马”。

Now Thomas (also known as Didymus), one of the Twelve, was not with the disciples when Jesus came. So the other disciples told him, “We have seen the Lord!” But he said to them, “Unless I see the nail marks in his hands and put my finger where the nails were, and put my hand into his side, I will not believe.” A week later his disciples were in the house again, and Thomas was with them. Though the doors were locked, Jesus came and stood among them and said, “Peace be with you!” Then he said to Thomas, “Put your finger here; see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it into my side. Stop doubting and believe.” Thomas said to him, “My Lord and my God!” Then Jesus told him, “Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.”
John 20:24-29 NIV


那十二个门徒中,有称为低土马的多马;Ye Su来的时候,他没有和他们同在。那些门徒就对他说:“我们已经看见主了。”多马却说:“我非看见祂手上的钉痕,用指头探入那钉痕,又用手探入祂的肋旁,我总不信。” 过了八日,门徒又在屋里,多马也和他们同在,门都关了。Ye Su来,站在当中说:“愿你们平安!” 就对多马说:“伸过你的指头来,摸(原文是看)我的手;伸出你的手来,探入我的肋旁。不要疑惑,总要信!” 多马说:“我的主!我的Shen!” Ye Su对他说:“你因看见了我才信;那没有看见就信的有福了。”
约翰福音 20:24-29

Thomas overcame his doubt and proclaimed Jesus as his Lord. Other notable Biblical doubters were Abraham (would God really give him a son through Sarah?), Moses (was God really calling him to lead the Hebrews out of Egypt?), Elijah (would God really defeat wicked Queen Jezebel?) Zechariah the father of John the Baptist (would God really give him a son?) and even John the Baptist himself (are you really the Messiah?)

多马克服了疑虑,宣告Ye Su是他的主。圣经里其他著名的怀疑者有亚伯拉罕(上帝真的会让萨拉给他生一个儿子吗?),摩西(Shen真的呼召他带领希伯来人离开埃及吗?)以利亚(上帝真的会打败邪恶的耶洗别女王吗?)施洗约翰的父亲撒迦利亚(上帝真的会给他一个儿子吗?)甚至还有施洗约翰本人(你真的是弥赛亚吗?)

For those who have doubts, hold on to the truth you know and honestly share your doubts with God or others. Don’t allow your doubts to take a wrong turn into unbelief. Those eleven disciples standing on the mountain with the risen Jesus might have had a moment of doubt, but eventually they all believed and gave their lives for the gospel.

心存怀疑的人,坚持你所知道的真理,并诚实地与上帝或其他人分享你的怀疑。不要让你的怀疑错误地变成不信。与复活的Ye Su一起站在山上的那十一个门徒可能会有片刻的怀疑,但最终他们都相信了,并奉献一生传扬福音。

The invitation into the mission

So, there they were, worshiping Jesus in His awesome presence (and some doubting.) The victorious King Jesus now makes the disciples an offer of a lifetime: join Him in His mission to change the world. It would be done with His authority (a guaranteed success!), require their whole lives (including a possible location change) and they would remain obscure. He would give them the world-changing message for the mission and He would be with them. And as history now has recorded, it would transform the world.

所以,他们就在那里,在Ye Su奇妙的同在里敬拜祂(还有一些仍在怀疑)。得胜的王Ye Su现在给门徒们一个一生的机会:加入祂改变世界的使命。这要靠祂的权柄来完成(保证会成功!),需要他们献上一生(包括可能要到不同地方),而且他们将会默默无闻。祂会向他们传达改变世界的使命信息,也会与他们同在。正如历史所记载的那样,它将改变世界。

Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
Matthew 28:18-20 NIV


Ye Su进前来,对他们说:“天上地下所有的权柄都赐给我了。所以,你们要去,使万民作我的门徒,奉父、子、圣灵的名给他们施洗(或译:给他们施洗,归于父、子、圣灵的名)。凡我所吩咐你们的,都教训他们遵守,我就常与你们同在,直到世界的末了。”
马太福音 28:18-20

All authority

When God created the heavens and the earth and breathed the breath of life in humankind, He gave Adam and Eve authority over the newly created world.


God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground.”
Genesis 1:28 NIV


创世纪 1:28

Adam and Eve were given the awesome mission to care for the Garden of Eden and rule over it. They had authority. But on that fateful day when they submitted to Satan’s temptation to eat the forbidden fruit, they passed the authority over to Satan. They obeyed him (rather than God) and gave Satan the legal right to have authority over the world. The result was disastrous.


That disastrous result came to an end the day Jesus Christ died on the cross as He paid the price for the sin of Adam and Eve and all of their children who would come after them (including you and me.) When Jesus canceled the debt of sin on the cross, He overcame sin, death and the devil, thus taking back the authority that Satan had been given on the day they disobeyed God and ate the fruit.

这个灾难性的结果在Ye Su基督被钉死在十字架上的那一天终止,因为祂为亚当和夏娃以及他们所有的后代(包括你和我)付出了罪的代价。Ye Su在十字架上废除了罪债,祂战胜了罪、死亡和魔鬼,从而夺回了撒旦在他们违背Shen偷吃禁果的那一天被赋予的权柄。

When you were dead in your sins and in the uncircumcision of your flesh, God made you alive with Christ. He forgave us all our sins, having canceled the charge of our legal indebtedness, which stood against us and condemned us; he has taken it away, nailing it to the cross. And having disarmed the powers and authorities, he made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross.
Colossians 2:13-15 NIV


歌罗西书 2:13-15

Once again, just as He did at the dawn of creation, God called His chosen ones to Himself and with authority invited them into His great mission. This time, the mission was not to tend one garden. This time, the mission was to go throughout the entire world to welcome people into the family of God and teach them all that Jesus had taught.

再一次,就像他在创世之初所做的一样,Shen呼召祂的选民到祂面前,以权柄邀请他们参与祂伟大的使命。这一次,他们的使命不是照料一个花园。这一次,他们的使命是走遍全世界,欢迎人们加入Shen的大家庭,并教导他们Ye Su所教导的一切。


After showing up on the mountain in Galilee, Jesus commanded them to, “Go!” It was no longer time to stick around the familiar Sea of Galilee. It was time to take the message to the world. All the nations of the world. And you know what? The only way to get to all of the nations of the world, is to go to the nations of the world!

Ye Su在加利利山上显现后,就吩咐他们说:“去!”现在已经不是停留在熟悉的加利利海的时候了。是时候向全世界传达这一信息了。就是世界上所有民族。你知道吗?通往世界上所有民族的唯一途径,就是去到世界上的所有民族!

Since this moment, the church has followed Christ’s call to “go and make disciples of all nations.” They have left their homes, families, languages and cultures to follow this mission. They are our champions. They have gone before us. Now it is our turn to take up the mission and go.


Years ago, it was prayed over me that I would “Go to the nations.” Since I was a little girl, I had a desire to become a missionary. But when people prayed that I would “go to the nations” I wasn’t sure how that would work. I understood that I could go to a nation – but to the nations? How would that work? I am now living in a moment where I am surrounded by the nations. I am currently a part of a fellowship of people from around the world: Antigua, Italy, Colombia, Australia, Canada, Philippines, Britain, India, China, Ethiopia. I have gone to the nations and the nations have come to me.

许多年前,有人曾为我祷告说:“去往各族。”当我还是个小女孩的时候,就渴望成为一名传教士。但是当人们为我祷告 “去往各族”的时候,我不知道这是怎么回事。我明白我可以到一个民族去——但是到各族去呢?那要怎么做呢?我现在生活在一个被各族包围的时代。目前,我是由来自世界各地的人所组成的团契中的一员:安提瓜、意大利、哥伦比亚、澳大利亚、加拿大、菲律宾、英国、印度、中国、埃塞俄比亚。我已经去往列族,列族也向我走来。

Where will you go? Your home may be the perfect place for you to become mature. But all children must grow up and spread their wings and fly. Where will you fly?


Make disciples

We are to become disciple-makers. Not disciples of our own teaching, but disciples of Jesus. We are disciples and we help others to become disciples. A disciple is a student and follower. When I make a disciple, the person is not my student and my follower, the person is a student and follower of Jesus. What are you doing today to make disciples?

我们要成为培养门徒的人。不是我们自己教训的门徒,而是Ye Su的门徒。我们是门徒,我们也帮助他人成为门徒。门徒既是学生也是追随者。当我培养一个门徒时,这个人并不是我的学生和追随者,而是Ye Su的学生和追随者。你今天要做什么来培养门徒呢?


When we go, our first mission is to share the gospel with the world and welcome people one by one into the Kingdom of God. This is marked by baptism. This weekend two of our friends were baptized. They made a public proclamation of their faith. The baptism was an outward sign of what had happened in their heart. They were washed clean by Christ. Their old self was crucified and buried in the water of baptism. Spiritually their new life in Christ was celebrated as they rose out of the waters. A new nature birthed in them.


When we baptize, we do not do it in our own name. In biblical times, people were baptized by someone who would then be noted as their spiritual leader. John was a baptizer and spiritual leader with many disciples. But Jesus instructed His followers to baptize in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Not in their own name. When something is done in another person’s name, it is by their authority and to their credit. Therefore, we never baptize someone to become our own followers. The one doing the baptizing is anonymous. They are just an instrument. The baptism is done in the authoritative name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

我们施洗的时候,不是奉自己的名。在圣经时代,一般是属灵领袖为人施洗。约翰是施洗的人和属灵的领袖,他有许多门徒。但是Ye Su教导他的信徒要奉圣父、圣子和圣灵的名施洗。而不是以他们自己的名义。当某件事以别人的名义来做时,是籍着他们的权柄,为着他们的荣耀。因此,我们从不以自己的名义来为某人施洗,让他成为我们的跟随者。施洗的人是默默无闻的。他们只是工具。洗礼是奉圣父、圣子和圣灵的权柄和名进行的。

The message belongs to Jesus
这是Ye Su的信息

The message proclaimed in this mission is the message of Jesus’ teachings and the obedience of His followers. Your obedience! When you head out on the mission, the content you will teach, preach, demonstrate and share is not your own. It belongs to Jesus. It is everything He has taught you and you pass it on to others. This mission is a chain of lives stretching back to that day Jesus stood on the mountain with His disciples. He commanded them to pass on what He had taught them. These eleven disciples obeyed Him and began to teach others, who taught others, who taught others. The teaching of Jesus was passed person to person from generation to generation. And it has now come to us. We are the next link in the chain. We now have the teachings of Jesus in our hands, hearts, minds and mouths. It is up to us to pass on these life-changing teachings. They are not our own, but they are His.

这个使命所宣讲的信息是Ye Su的教导和祂的跟随者的顺服。你的顺服! 当你开始宣教时,你所教导、宣讲、展示和分享的内容不是你自己的。它属于Ye Su。这是祂教给你的一切,你再把它传给别人。这个使命是一条生命链,可以追溯到Ye Su和祂的门徒站在山上的那一天。祂吩咐他们把祂所教导的传扬下去。这十一个门徒听从Ye Su的话,然后开始教导别人,这些人再教导其他的人,这其他的人再教导别人。Ye Su的教导被人代代相传。现在,它已经来到了我们的身边。我们是这个链条中的下一环节。现在,我们的手、心、脑和口中都有Ye Su的教导。我们应该把这些改变人生的教导传递下去。它们不是我们自己的,乃是Shen的。

We can never take credit for an amazing message. This message comes straight from Jesus. It is not our brilliant ideas or cool outlook on life that will change the world, it is the teaching of Jesus Christ and the call to be obedient to all He taught us. Our name is not on this message. It is His name. We go out in obscurity with the words of life.

我们永远不能认为这大好的信息是自己的功劳。这个信息直接来自于Ye Su。改变世界的不是我们聪明的想法或精彩的人生观,而是Ye Su基督的教导和对我们要顺服他所有教导的呼召。我们的名字不会出现在信息里。是祂的名字。我们带着生命的话语默默无闻地走出去。

The promise

The task to baptize, make disciples and teach the world is enormous. We cannot do it in our own power. We only can do this because Jesus promises to be with us. Our own strength is not enough to carry this tremendous message to all of the corners of the earth.

洗礼、培养门徒和教导世人的任务是艰巨的。我们不能凭自己的力量做这件事。我们能这样做,是因为Ye Su应许与我们同在。凭我们自己的力量还不足以把这个伟大的信息传播到地球的各个角落。

Jesus sends us. We make disciples of Jesus. We baptize in His name. We speak His message. It is all from Him and all for Him. There is no place for us to sign our name or receive some credit. Our motivation is not our fame. Our motivation is His love for us. His grace and mercy and all He has done for us. Our motivation is the safety and surety of living under His authority and serving in His authority. It is the thrill of seeing lives transformed by the power of the name of Jesus Christ. The name above all names. As we submit to Him, we go in His name and for His name, we become world-changers in Jesus’ name. May the world never know who we are, may they only see the greatness of our King Jesus who accomplished His mission on earth and now passes it along to us.

Ye Su派遣我们。我们培养Ye Su的门徒。我们奉祂的名施洗。我们宣讲祂的信息。这一切都是出于祂,也是为了祂。我们没有地方可以签署自己的名字或获得一些荣誉。我们的动机不是为了出名。我们的动机是祂对我们的爱。祂的恩典和怜悯,以及祂为我们所做的一切。我们的动机是在祂的权柄下安全有保障地生活和服事。是看到生命因Ye Su基督之名的大能而改变时的激动。万名之上的名。我们顺服祂,奉祂的名、为祂的名而去。奉Ye Su的名,我们成为改变世界的人。愿世界永远不知道我们是谁,愿他们只看到我们的王Ye Su的伟大,祂完成了祂在世上的使命,现在把它传给了我们。

Will you join the mission?

Will you go? Will you make disciples, baptize and teach? He has put His mission in your hand today, let’s serve the Lord together for His glory and for the salvation of the world. It starts by showing up to the mountain when Jesus calls you. Worship Him, go where He sends you, make disciples and you will have the privilege and promise of living and serving each day with Jesus in His world-changing mission. There is no higher calling, no greater purpose. To know Christ, receive His forgiveness and love and be called into His mission. The mission He accomplished for you and me.

你会去吗?你会培养门徒、施洗、教导他们吗? 今天Ye Su把祂的使命交给你了,让我们一起为祂的荣耀和世界的救赎而事奉他。这开始于Ye Su呼召你时,你要来到山上。敬拜祂,到祂打发你去的地方,培养门徒,你将有特权和应许,在Ye Su改变世界的使命中,每天与祂一起生活和服事。没有更高的使命,没有更大的目标了。认识基督,接受祂的宽恕和爱,并被呼召参与祂的使命。祂为你我已经完成的使命。